Keeping Cats??

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basically i was just gushing about loving maine coons kumber lol

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They are pretty amazing cats! Would never be without them now :D

As per, you are shockingly judgmental. Don't forget that I saw your comments on Facebook when DS1 was 5 months old about how "dangerous" it was that my son was lying on my Maine Coon, when they were both there out of choice. I completely agree with MillieLaura on this, there is a significant difference between a pet owner and a pet lover. You are indeed the former.

As per? Really? I'm not sure if it's possible for me to look on the group but I'll search for that post where I apparently said it was dangerous. I also don't think I am the only person that would think it's dangerous and have such a blase attitude towards it. I don't think a doctor or a health visitor would be saying to a first time mum "don't worry if your baby eats cat poo, it's totally fine". There are plenty of biodegradble products that aren't ok to eat. Maybe because our opinions differ about this so much I'm just a paranoid, over the top mum but that's fine, I'll take that - it's not the kind of mum I want to be but never mind.

I am a pet lover, I love my pets, I care about them, I wouldn't have them if I didn't love having them, what's the point in that? Why would I get a pet just for the sake of having one and spend a lot of time and money caring for them? I've just got bigger priorities and if that means I don't "love" my pets enough then that's fine by me. Report me to the RSPCA. :roll:

I just suggested to the lady that asked the question that if it made her feel better about her pregnancy then she should do what she feels right and if that means giving up her cat for a bit then that's what she should do - it's better to stress the cat out than to have her anxious and worrying about her unborn child, surely.
Please do, failing that I can supply you the screenshots.

I'm putting you on ignore now, good evening.

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