Keeping busy


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2010
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So as I have a few weeks left , I'm putting together a little list of things I have left to do , and a few things I plan to do to make delievery easier . What has everyone else got left to organize ? Maybe we can give each other ideas about how to keep from going mad :roll:

  • Put shelves and pictures up in baby's room( well get my Dad or oh to do it ) x
  • Get my iron and vitaman c levels up ( was told it really helps prevent anemia in case you bleed a lot during labour)
  • Drink Rlt and starting taking evening primrose oil x
  • Get a coat for baby (realised I have everything else) x
  • Start making a few frozen meals( for lazy/tired days when baby is here ) x
  • Stock up on tea/coffee/sugar for visitors x
  • Try and get out for decent walk every day (will do me and Aoibheann good) I'm so lazy
  • Get my oh too put together the buggy and relaxer (I'd prefer he did that when I'm in hospital)
  • Get the moses basket steam cleaned(going to do this myself in the morning)x
  • Lavender oil ,arnica , feminine wash and wipes for healing afterwardsx
  • Top up my phonex
  • Create playlists for labour on my mp3 playerx
  • Get backlog of photos printed so I have my album up to datex
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You are soooo organised!! My head is up my arse.....really need to start sorting myself out. I keep looking out stuff to pack for hospital bag and by hubby "tidies up" and puts in attic - of course I cant get into attic to get the bloody stuff back down.... I think my next plan of action is to ask him to bring them down and I will actually put in the bag and tell him "hands off" ha ha
I bought 2 largeish beach bags, a red one for me and a blue one for the baby...I plan on trying to get it sorted this week, maybe you should set yourself one task each day (and a reserve one in case you are feeling energetic?)
I bought 2 largeish beach bags, a red one for me and a blue one for the baby...I plan on trying to get it sorted this week, maybe you should set yourself one task each day (and a reserve one in case you are feeling energetic?)
I think that is a great idea .

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