Katy's Not Herself.....Any Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2005
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Katy's not herself at the moment, she has been grizzly for a few days now and today she has been really miserable & sleeping loads. She has been feeding a little bit more but I get the impression its more for comfort than her being hungry.

I did think she may be having a growth spurt (sleeping & feeding bit more). She only gained 6oz in 2 weeks and then last week she gained 4oz. Before she was putting on between 6 & 9 oz a week.

My other thought was that she may be starting to teethe as shes very dribbly, chewing on her fists and her bum is a little bit sore. What has made me question this though is I read that babies tend to sleep and feed less when teething, not more!?! :?

Does anyone have any ideas what might be up with her? I want to help her, but its hard to know how. Shes usually such a bright smiley baby!! :(
Maybe she is feeding more for comfort if she is teething and the sleeping cos she's getting tired from feeding? I would just keep an eye on her. As long as she has no temp and not being sick etc I would say it could be teething.
Hi Emma

Does your little one have any white marks in her mouth? I remember someonone on here (although can't remember the member's name) who's little one had thrush in their mouth and had similar symptoms to what you have said.

Otherwise, yeah could be teething, could be she's a bit out of sorts fighting off a wee bug or something.

Keep an eye on her and watch her temp.

Hope she's better soon

Thanks for your replies, she has been much better today, so hopefully smiley Katy is back for now!! :pray:
Thats good news, hopefully she'll be all better soon.


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