Kadyn Ryan Miller!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
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Well after being so scared of my section it went quite well spinal wasnt as bad as i thought it would be and this time i remembered every second of it. I got all teary when i seen him and Bernie took a bunch of pics we even have one of him still attached to the cord but have to scan them in the comp.:)
He came out 8 pounds 14 ounces which was much smaller then we thought he would be so if i went another week to 40 weeks he would of been about Kiaras weight.
They had to cut my scar twice the size because they couldnt get him out but they did fix my old scar it was really messy now its one straight neat line.

I also got my tubes tied which i think was the best decision for us :D we now have our perfect family and are very happy so i dont have to worry about no birth control now what a relief!!

He is doing so good he caught on to breastfeeding right away :D
I was doing so well in the hospital that they sent me home early as i wasnt needing anyones help so was no point staying.
So i got home in the afternoon and Kadyn would not eat until wee hours this morning so we were getting abit worried as before we left the hospital the nurse said he was close to losing 10% ofhis body weight so have to make sure he eats loads but seems like hes picking up again so hopefully it stays that way. My pain is getting worse and after my bleeding was hardly there yesterday ive been bleeding tons more and having clots so was told if it dont stop or ifi soak a pad in an hour to go see the doctor. :( and i am not suppost to do anything!
Poor Kiara is jelous and upset at me because i am not allowed to pick her up and even when she snuggles she is on my tummy so i cant even do that so i am feeling real bad and wish i could do more with her.
One minute she is talking to Kadyn and the next is trying to hit him but i suppose its normal just gotta watch her carefully.
Going to pick up our dog in a bit i miss him so but he is going to be very jelous.

Well i think thats it for now in a bit were hoping to scan the hospital pics then i will post a few in the first year section :D

Thank you again everyone for the support this pregnancy :hug:

Katrina and baby Kadyn
Many many congratulations to you hun, looking forward to the pics :cheer:
Ooh great to hear from you! Thanks for sharing - cant wait to see the pics and CONGRATS xxx
Congratulations!!!! Can't wait to see the pictures :D :hug:
massive congratulations hun :cheer:

i cant express how happy i am for you. i cant believe you have had him now :)

he is gorgeous ladies, the pics are deffinately worth waiting for :D
Congratulations and hugs to you both on the birth of little Kadyn. Please give little Kiara an extra special hug too from me when you are feeling better.

xxxxx :cheer:
Congratulations hun and welcome Kadyn! Can't wait to see some pics :D

thanks everyone!! just waiting on bernie to scan the rest of the pics i cant bend down to do it.
sorry for the wait!
Well done Katrina!! :dance: :dance:

Looking forward to seeing the pics......

:cheer: :cheer:
CONGRATULATIONS hunny :cheer: what a beautiful name!!!cant wait for piccis! :cheer:
Congrats again hun. Can't wait to see pics.
Congratulations hun glad the section went well and welcome to baby Kadyn. I am sure Kiara will settle down in a few days and get used to the idea of a new baby.

Looking forward to seeing some pics
Congratulations honey - take it easy now. Kiara will love her new little brother in no time.

Valentine xxx

Excellent news! I'm sure they will bond very soon and be best friends :)

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