just wondering??


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2010
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just wondering if you think that women tend to follow there mums with regards to pregnancy and labour?
my mum both had me and my brother 3 weeks early, just wondering if u think i might follow the same? or am i just hoping lol
my mum had chris late her first - i had my first late then me on the day fter my due date and i had zander 2 days after due date but her waters went early and had to be enduced with third and her womb nearly burst - so i hope bloody not!! haha specially as i have had a section in the past lol!! i would mind the waters going early and natural labour tho lol!!!
No my mum had us all on her due dates and I've had all my lo's early :)
Not sure - I think I was a week early :) If it turns out our baby is a beefcake tomorrow i'll be induce early anyway! lol! X
Think you might just be hoping! Im hoping too x
o well spose i can hope lol! just hope i dont go 2 weeks over i'd hate that. but spose baby will come when its ready ay
i do think theres an element to it. Never mind my mum but all my family, sisters, nieces etc have never gone early and most of us have had to be induced! even with twins.
I thought that would be thr case but it wasn't for me! My mum had me 3 weeks early and I was 6lb and she had a dead quick labour! Thinking about it, I'd have been massive if I was on time! Given the size I was with katie I was convinced I'd go 4 weeks early! She was 10 days late, 9lb12 and i was in labour 23 hours!!

She had my sister early, don't know how early! She was 7lb something and was a super speedy labour! Thinkbshe was 2 and a half hours with me and 2 hours with my sister!

I had ella bang on time and she was 8lb, all in all my labour was 1h30ish with a recorded active stage of 3 minutes :lol:
the only person i have seen with a bump my size and shape in my mum lol she had my bro when I was 15 and I carry just like her, my older sister hasnt had any children yet but I cant wait to see if she carrys like us. I am also coverd in strech marks from my first and I blame my mum for these aswell. As for due dates I had my last two 5 days late and have one of each and my mum had 2 girls 2 wks late and both boys on there due date,
My mum got no Stretchies but I've got a bloody body full, never mind a belly full!
My mum got no Stretchies but I've got a bloody body full, never mind a belly full!

i think thats 1 think i take after my mum for she had no stretch marks and neither have i, well so far!!! we'll see
I think it's wishful thinking Mel_Ed :lol: But you never know! Stranger things have happened ;) xx

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