just wanted to say..


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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ive had a really really shit year so far this year.. and the only good things thats happened to me has all been from last year..

so if i havent been myself then i appologise. i have bit peoples tongues off for giving their points of view when i shouldnt have... im just finding it really hard to take anyones points of view when everything in my life is so negative. and if you are adding to the ever expanding negativity please dont expect me to be nice because im really struggling.

i have also said somethings about midna that i shouldnt have.. it wasnt my place.

My friendship with you lisa ment a lot to me.. and i understand if you dont want to be friends anymore. but i just wanted to say im sorry. and i never ment to upset you. i dont know what you read.. or even if dan had sent you the truth or not.. elaine said he was playing a practical joke.. so i dunno.. if he did send you the truth..(whatever it may be the truth about because i dunno what hes sent you) then i am sorry..
lisa&alex said:
ive had a really really sh*t year so far this year.. and the only good things thats happened to me has all been from last year..

so if i havent been myself then i appologise. i have bit peoples tongues off for giving their points of view when i shouldnt have... im just finding it really hard to take anyones points of view when everything in my life is so negative. and if you are adding to the ever expanding negativity please dont expect me to be nice because im really struggling.

i have also said somethings about midna that i shouldnt have.. it wasnt my place.

My friendship with you lisa ment a lot to me.. and i understand if you dont want to be friends anymore. but i just wanted to say im sorry. and i never ment to upset you. i dont know what you read.. or even if dan had sent you the truth or not.. elaine said he was playing a practical joke.. so i dunno.. if he did send you the truth..(whatever it may be the truth about because i dunno what hes sent you) then i am sorry..

I understand you're having a hard time hun but really you shouldn't take it out on other people so I don't feel the above comment is fair! We're all here to help and be there for eachother, maybe some time out would be best? :hug: :hug:
No idea whats going on, but I know you've been having quite a lot of trouble, so hope things improve for you soon :hug:
I haven't noticed anything, but just wanted to say, that I hope whatever has been troubling you gets sorted soon :hug:
Ive notcid you have not been all bubbly like you used too but as were really buddies i didnt wnt to say anything as i would of felt it were out of place, but as you have bought it up.............

Whatever it is you can get over it and hope you feel happier soon :hug:
Hi Lisa, we don't speak that often, but I do read your posts and I know exactly where you are coming from. I had a nasty few years a few years ago which I am still going to have to deal with in the not so distant future...luckily for me no children were involved with that episode of my life.

We all lash out at times, I know I can...think it's the firey Welsh in me :wink: Life is far to short and I really hope that you get things sorted out asap so that you can once again feel happy and contented in life. I really mean that! xx :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Princess_Puddles said:
[quote="lisa&alex":2n4o9m2o]ive had a really really sh*t year so far this year.. and the only good things thats happened to me has all been from last year..

so if i havent been myself then i appologise. i have bit peoples tongues off for giving their points of view when i shouldnt have... im just finding it really hard to take anyones points of view when everything in my life is so negative. and if you are adding to the ever expanding negativity please dont expect me to be nice because im really struggling.

i have also said somethings about midna that i shouldnt have.. it wasnt my place.

My friendship with you lisa ment a lot to me.. and i understand if you dont want to be friends anymore. but i just wanted to say im sorry. and i never ment to upset you. i dont know what you read.. or even if dan had sent you the truth or not.. elaine said he was playing a practical joke.. so i dunno.. if he did send you the truth..(whatever it may be the truth about because i dunno what hes sent you) then i am sorry..

I understand you're having a hard time hun but really you shouldn't take it out on other people so I don't feel the above comment is fair! We're all here to help and be there for eachother, maybe some time out would be best? :hug: :hug:[/quote:2n4o9m2o]

thats a bit harsh, she was apologising.
I have read a bit of what you have been going through and hate to see someone having a tough time. I hope it all gets sorted for you soon. :hug:
Not sure what happened with Midna but she said she'll get over it so I guess there's no need to worry.

I am sorry you're going through a tough time, and I kinda see where Princess_puddles is coming from when she says you shouldn't take it out on other people (especially us, cuz we're here for you no matter what! :) )
but at the same time I am understanding enough to know that when you go through tough times it's hard to be yourself and it's hard to pretend you're happy when you're not. I really hope things get better :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry you have had a bad year :( Its good of you to come on and apologise though if you felt you have upset anyone. I hope things pick up for you :hug: :hug: :hug:
I think we should have a section where we can go for a really good bitch fight when things are getting to us and the rule is take none of it personally 8) Bitchy threads always get the most posts and make for shamefully good reading :oops:

Okay, maybe it wouldn't work. But as this took so long to type as using one hand to hold breast pump to nipple, I'm posting it anyway! :shakehead:
lol... :rotfl:

thanks for being so understanding guys...trying to keep my chin up.. its bloody hard when everythings so negative.. dont want to keep going down this road coz im turning into a monster..
have lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

i hope things start getting better for you soon hon


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