Just wanted to say..


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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..that the reason I am on here all the time at the moment is that I am a teacher so am on half term this week and am not venturing out because I want to take it easy this early on in the pregnancy.

Am not normally online all day every day!! :lol:
Unlike the rest of us :rofl:

Will be lovely to have you around a bit more :D
im normally on the laptop allll day but now im using mobile broadband im restricted :( x
I am normally online a lot - most of the day - but that's going to change when I start work again in a couple of weeks so am making the most of it! As should you, Annie :D
Im off this week 2 annie only good thing about being a teacher lol!!
Hi Annie
I'm just in here having a nosey. I'm a teacher too, think there are quite a few on here!
Got ourselves some ovulation tests for this month, so fingers crossed. Glad your keeping well and taking it easy.
Sharon x
Am just avoiding planning really! I know I'll have to do it at some point but I just can't be bothered at the moment!
Damn teachers :lol: It's not fair, my hubby is a teacher so he's off this week too while I have to go to work :-( At least he's walking the dog this week tho so I get a bit of a lie in each morning!:lol:
Hi. Im a teacher too Annie 050408 on half-term! Congratulations!!

Ive done NOTHING today which has been lovely cuz im going shopping tomorrow and thursday so wont have much more chance to relax this week. Its bliss though isnt it and im not planning either! Got marking to do and i dont know about you, but teachings one of the worst jobs to be in when pregnant i think ( before they know that is) cuz patience is short, tired, dont wanna look lazy ( im going home a lot earlier) and no matter what, you always end up raising your voice and having rubbish to sort!! Im a yr5 teacher and love it, but sometimes it must be nice just being able to leave work at work! How are you feeling?

Take care

I'm a year 2 teacher and I feel exactly the same- have been leaving early and although I am feeling very maternal at the moment I'm feeling very lazy and a bit guilty about it. How many weeks pregnant are you?

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