Just wanted to say...

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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Big hugs to Morganuk.

Its fooking horrible what happened and you must feel really down about it so I wanted to give you some public hugs to cheer you up and to show you that I think your fab. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Also :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: to Jade - for being on the receiving end of the nastiness too.

There aint no need and I hope you and your gorgeous girl are ok.

There are some fab people on this forum and I have loved it here for over a 18 months and I for one am not going to let a very small minority ruin it for the rest of us.

Love my PF buddies!!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hmm don;t want to start an argument again so no one reply to me please. Danielle was the victim of this she got abusive messages after being accused of doing this and the people havent even had the balls to say sorry to her and no one else got any of these messages on facebook except the person who has a grudge against her :think: :think:
I dont see what anyone else on here would have to gain from shit stirring...sorry i have said my piece now i'm leaving it at that.
I just read Urchins thread and I cant believe someone did that :shock: Thats such a nasty thing to do and I hope Morganuk and Jade are ok :hug: :hug:
fran_23 said:
Hmm don;t want to start an argument again so no one reply to me please. Danielle was the victim of this she got abusive messages after being accused of doing this and the people havent even had the balls to say sorry to her and no one else got any of these messages on facebook except the person who has a grudge against her :think: :think:
I dont see what anyone else on here would have to gain from sh*t stirring...sorry i have said my piece now i'm leaving it at that.

This isn't a thread for anyone to say their 'piece'.

Urchin does locked announcements for a reason. Don't let this go the same way.
Thats horrible, I hope whoever it was gets named and shamed.

Hope Danielle and Jade (and Evie) are ok :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Don't understand why anyone would have a grudge against Danielle, shes such a nice person! And I haven't spoken to Jade a lot on here but she seems like a really nice person too :hug:
Sorry but i havent said anything in all of this to avoid any bad feeling etc but i cannot stand bullies and i am now leaving because i will not stand by and let people bully someone who has done nothing wrong and then have people saying they feel sorry for them because they have made themselves out to be the victim! We arent at school this is pathetic...goodbye everyone.
Whoever it was that had balls enought to do it, must have balls to stand up to it all.... including those that needs to apologise
SarahH said:
Whoever it was that had balls enought to do it, must have balls to stand up to it all.... including those that needs to apologise

What Sarah said. Goodness :shock:
:wave: We're fine in this camp.

TBH it takes a bit more to break my thick skin :moon: There are things much worse than my bubby looking like me have you seen her dad??!! :shhh:
Jade&Evie said:
:wave: We're fine in this camp.

TBH it takes a bit more to break my thick skin :moon: There are things much worse than my bubby looking like me have you seen her dad??!! :shhh:

:lol: Bless ya :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I was very upset last night when I recieved some messages about this and tried to say I was innocent to no avail.
One thing I will ask is can people wait to know if its true before posting about it.
I have deleted my posts asking for proof and hope none of this happens again.
Im going to forget this now and move on as theres been a horrible vibe in the forum and it needs to stop.
Ill never know who done this unless they admit it so am just not going to think about about it.
Thanks everyone for your kind messages :hug: :hug:
fran_23 said:
Sorry but i havent said anything in all of this to avoid any bad feeling etc but i cannot stand bullies and i am now leaving because i will not stand by and let people bully someone who has done nothing wrong and then have people saying they feel sorry for them because they have made themselves out to be the victim! We arent at school this is pathetic...goodbye everyone.

:? :(
Morganuk said:
I was very upset last night when I recieved some messages about this and tried to say I was innocent to no avail.
One thing I will ask is can people wait to know if its true before posting about it.

I don't really want to go into this on the forum but I can totally understand Jade's view on this, why would you doubt a message you got? You wouldn't think it was anything other than genuine.
And she didn't "post" about it, she told her friends.

Jade has also made a thread apologising but we deleted it cos I was about to make this announcement.

I locked the other thread for a reason, we do not need to pick this apart.

Lets all drop it.

:lol: Not making light of it, both girls know how I feel on the matter but just putting my tuppence in; please let us all get the forum back to how it was.

All this bitching and arguments isn't making for a very nice atmosphere and I for one have felt like leaving as I know a few others have. It's normally such a nice place.

So my new years resolution: stay away from all arguments in threads, not even to comment like I have here. Then the thread will die and we can all live in harmony :lol:
Just one last thing and then im totally forgetting all this.
I did not mean that Jade has posted about it.
I understand if she had but I was meaning something else.

Now im gone :wave: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Really sorry. :(

This thread was meant to be a nice big hugs everyone thread. Not meant to start anymore arguements.

Fran I didnt even know anything about Danielle I just read Urchins post and thought it was all a bit horrible so wanted to give hugs and say to everyone that I love this place and even though things have been a bit poo I for one value it for the friends i have made and the advice i have received.

Its a shame it just cant be taken in the manner it was meant. :( :( :(

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