Just want to run away and never come back!


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2012
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I feel so low right now, when I think I can't sink any lower I usually do! The bane of my existence is now my OH!

weve been together now for 4 years next month (engaged for 4 years in september) and when I think our relationship is good and strong and nothing can touch it! It seems to all come crashing down around me!

So what's got my back up? This evening I was looking on eBay for a new stroller for our son who is 20 months, I lost our second child last month so my emotions are still pretty up and down, I accidentally went on to his text messages by pressing the wrong button! What I saw was not pretty and got me pretty angry! His friend was questioning our relationship and if he was truly happy with me, even why he was still with me? I don't know what was said in return but it made his other friend feel quite awkward..ill never know!!

and secondly, he has a kik messenger and yahoo messenger on his phone so I thought I'd go the whole hog and make sure nothing else was said! Oh no!!, I discover him talking to this woman!! Well I'm not gonna call her a woman! Ill say more 'thing' about running away with her and doing naughty things to her!!

Ill say I'm no saint myself, I did flirt a few times in the early days of our relationship, but I drew the line when running away and unspeakables were mentioned!! And we moved on from that..

Im somewhat hurt! No actually, I'm angry! Some people would end it there and then but something's pulling me back!? I don't know whether it's our son or the fact that deep down inside I don't think it's worth throwing away a 4 year relationship over!? I don't know what to do with myself! I feel like crying but I can't! Do I message the witch he wants to run away with and tell her to keep away and dont talk to my fiancé ever again? My mind is spinning around on itself!

sorry about the essay I just needed to get it all out! :/
Oh no :-( This does not sound good at all. Why is his friend questioning your relationship? Does this friend know something that you don't? That's what I would think.... With regards to the messenger messages; I'm not sure there is anything that can defend or excuse them? You really need to ask your oh about this to be honest. You have to tell him what you saw (I know you might find that hard) but seriously none of this is one bit fair on you. I'm really sorry your going through this xxx
I must say his friends only know of you what he tells them, so if his friend thinks badly of you its probably something your oh has told him. As for the messaging I think you need to let him know, its up to you id be out of the door and ive been with hubby almost nine years (not that its that long to some people) I wouldn't trust him again but its how you will deal with it. Will you trust him and forgive him. I think its pointless emailing the other woman, its the internet and she could carry on regardless she knew you where together but wasn't bothered. It could be a dude for all we know! xx
Regardless of whether or not he has acted on these text messages, he's in the wrong. You shouldn't be talking to someone else like that if you are in a relationship. It's a betrayal of trust. I think you should definitely confront him about it, give him a chance to explain and then work out what you want to do. I do understand about wondering whether it is worth throwing away a long relationship, especially for your sons sake. But you also have to think about how it will affect your son his parents being in an unhappy relationship with no trust.
I really think yous should sit & have a serious chat about what you both want and how to go about either fixing the relationship or moving on. Hope you get things sorted, keep us posted. lots of love x
anyone heard from sebbies mum is all ok xx
anyone heard from sebbies mum is all ok xx

I was just thinking the same, hope you're ok Hun I know your OH hasn't been the most supportive recently. Sending you a big hug xxx
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