Just want to be a mummy now!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2011
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After my 'sod it' night the other day I've hit rock bottom again. I just want to be a mummy now and getting bored and sick to death of waiting - L's still off doing whatever and he's meant to be back tomorrow and while I reallyyyyy want it to happen this month I just know it wont and can't find it in me to throw myself into this month in the slightest and then he's back at work and the end of the month and doing sooo many courses this year I've lost track so I think I might have called it quits for 2012 all together mad as hell.

Moving myself over to WTT XXXX
Aww hun. :( How long have you been trying for? I really and true believe 110% that people conceive when they are relaxed and enjoying it. It you are really stressed at the moment, maybe it is best to chill out for a little while. Take a break and get everything straight in your mind. You should enjoy trying, and after all you want you r baby to be made with love xxx
:( its so hard isn't it, when I was younger I never in a million years imagined it would be so difficult I just honestly believed it would happen within weeks of deciding to ttc. My doctor told me to just have fun trying and when baby comes you will forget all the heartache of ttc.
We are all in same boat here hun. AF arrived tonight after I threw everything at this cycle. Been on. Contraceptive pill since i was a teenager n came off it back end of last year. Been ntnp since sept n still nothing started officially trying to concieve 2 cycles ago n tomorrow will b start of cycle 3 i just thought it would happen straight away n id b all preggers mow! Its crap esp wen u get these ppl "oh i wasnt even trying" x

Babydust to all
Snap...I've just started a new job and it's really hitting me how I really want a family. It's like I still want to work and that and I enjoy doing the house work and tidying up after OH to an extent haha but I feel happy doing those things only thing is missing is a baby crying and the smell of sick and baby poo!!

I hope you get your BFP soon and try and stay relaxed (easier said than done)

I was trying for almost a year and a half i convinced my self there was somthing wrong with one of us. I decided i would by some ovulation tests, cheap ones from amazon something like 25 for a fiver or less. I used 5 in one month and concieve, i dont know if it was just ment to happen or the ovulation tests played a big part but i would deffo advise u if u havnt already to get some, it might be as simple as not having enough sex at the right time
The only stress in our lives is his soddin' family. I hate them!! I've finally got to accepting my little boy not being here isn't my fault and his bloody sister phoned me this morning making me feel pathetic and that it was my fault again. Not to mention the long standing 'who gives a sh!t if it never really happened though!' (they're all standing by the because my Billie wasn't medically classed as a birth but a miscarriage, he doesn't matter) I just want to go and live on the moon. I'm not allowed to grieve my boy and I'm definately not allowed to get excited about any children I might be lucky enough to have until their born or they'll make my life hell.

Hate the age of technology making it constantly possible to harass people =/
The only stress in our lives is his soddin' family. I hate them!! I've finally got to accepting my little boy not being here isn't my fault and his bloody sister phoned me this morning making me feel pathetic and that it was my fault again. Not to mention the long standing 'who gives a sh!t if it never really happened though!' (they're all standing by the because my Billie wasn't medically classed as a birth but a miscarriage, he doesn't matter) I just want to go and live on the moon. I'm not allowed to grieve my boy and I'm definately not allowed to get excited about any children I might be lucky enough to have until their born or they'll make my life hell.

Hate the age of technology making it constantly possible to harass people =/

I had a friend say about a month after my second miscarriage, "It's not like it was really a baby any way ." WTF! I almost punched her. I also had a lot of people say just remember you have the other two so you know you can have kids just make focus on looking after them. I felt like screaming "yes I could 5 years ago but now I'm not so sure and it scares the shit out of me!" then that makes me feel bad because it looks like I neglecting my other two so I'm hit again.

The problem is MC is one of those things. Until you have experienced it yourself you can't possibly understand the pain, the sadness or the fear that you never may experience that which you long for so much.
The only stress in our lives is his soddin' family. I hate them!! I've finally got to accepting my little boy not being here isn't my fault and his bloody sister phoned me this morning making me feel pathetic and that it was my fault again. Not to mention the long standing 'who gives a sh!t if it never really happened though!' (they're all standing by the because my Billie wasn't medically classed as a birth but a miscarriage, he doesn't matter) I just want to go and live on the moon. I'm not allowed to grieve my boy and I'm definately not allowed to get excited about any children I might be lucky enough to have until their born or they'll make my life hell.

Hate the age of technology making it constantly possible to harass people =/

I had a friend say about a month after my second miscarriage, "It's not like it was really a baby any way ." WTF! I almost punched her. I also had a lot of people say just remember you have the other two so you know you can have kids just make focus on looking after them. I felt like screaming "yes I could 5 years ago but now I'm not so sure and it scares the shit out of me!" then that makes me feel bad because it looks like I neglecting my other two so I'm hit again.

The problem is MC is one of those things. Until you have experienced it yourself you can't possibly understand the pain, the sadness or the fear that you never may experience that which you long for so much.

It's so frustrating isn't it. The best I get is 'we'll you're only young anyway' and tbh thats just another punch in the stomach for me - yes I'm young but it plays on me every single day that I might never get that chance and I'm going to have to sit and watch all my friends 'grow up' get married get houses and have kids and what if I can only get married and get a house? I don't think alot of people see that as a something I think about at all.

Also I've said for years at some point I want to offer my home to a child (or children) that doesn't have one and I still want to do that. His family have said they wont even acknowledge any child brought into our family that isn't blood relations. How sick is that! If we choose to bring a child into our lives that isn't ours by blood and whether it be long term or short, adoption or becoming a foster family then that child becomes our family and I expect our extended families to welcome them or butt the hell out of all our lives until they can grow up enough to atleast offer them a safe place to grow up in.

Sorry for the rant!!

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