Just seen the midwife...


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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Everythings fine except theres a bit of glucose in my urine for the second time running so I have to go to hospital tomorrow for a glucose tolerance test :roll:

When I was pregnant with Josh I always had glucose in my wee and they did about 4 GTT's which always turned out normal.

Worst thing is I cant eat anything from 10pm tonight and I feel so sick if I dont eat anything in the mornings. Gotta go to hospital myself too and you have to stay there for 2 hours :(
awww hun :( well if its hapened b4 then at least u noits not all bad news..i had sorta bad news when i saw my midwife, ive got O rhesus negative blood n if my blood mixes with babies then my blood attacks his its horrible so iv got 2 b careful i dnt get ne knocks or bleeds..but good luck hun hope evrything goes ok! dont 4get 2 pack ur heat magazine for the wait ;) x
mummytoBee said:
awww hun :( well if its hapened b4 then at least u noits not all bad news..i had sorta bad news when i saw my midwife, ive got O rhesus negative blood n if my blood mixes with babies then my blood attacks his its horrible so iv got 2 b careful i dnt get ne knocks or bleeds..but good luck hun hope evrything goes ok! dont 4get 2 pack ur heat magazine for the wait ;) x

Thanks hun :hug:

And I was thinking the same about the magazines lol, I'll make sure I have plenty to read :D
aww hun sorry to hear that :hug:

i'm sure it's nothing to worry about those :hug:

how is little man anyway
hi, i can completely understand not wanting to hang around in hospital. i developed diabetes with my little boy and had to go every 2 weeks to see diabetic midwife as well as seeing my usual mw. now im pregnant again they are keeping a close eye on me and will be back seeing diabetic mw from 20 weeks :roll: the only good thng is that i get 2 extra scans to make sure baby is not to big. had no problems last time as mark weighed 6lb 11oz and the hospital worried me worried sick saying he would be big and might need c section :x but it was all good in the end.

Oh feel bad for you hope it goes fast for you , i hate when they do these tests then you cant eat , im the same as you feel sick if i dont eat.
Hope it comes back normal for you though , good luck hun
I'm sorry to hear you have to have a test at the hospital. Fasting before the test is a big pain. Can you take something to eat with you so that at least when they've taken your blood you can eat straight away (maybe a sandwich or something?).

I hope it all goes well for you. *Fingers crossed*

Poor you - I'm like you I feel really sick in a morning if I don't have breakfast as soon as I wake up.

I agree with Sabrina - take some nice snacks with you so you can eat as soon as they've taken the blood.

Hope it goes OK

I had glucose in my wee the other week (I have test sticks at home from when I was a nurse!).

It was after I had eaten half a bag of wine gums on the way home from Brighton! :oops:

So I checked again everyday for a week and it was fine after that.

So maybe its good advice to avoid sugary things right before GP/MW visits?

Anyway, I hope it goes fine Kirsty. What do you have to do for the glucose tolerance test?
Hellokitty said:
I had glucose in my wee the other week (I have test sticks at home from when I was a nurse!).

It was after I had eaten half a bag of wine gums on the way home from Brighton! :oops:

So I checked again everyday for a week and it was fine after that.

So maybe its good advice to avoid sugary things right before GP/MW visits?

Anyway, I hope it goes fine Kirsty. What do you have to do for the glucose tolerance test?

I had a few mouthfuls of Ribena a few hours before I did a sample so thats probably why it showed up today. She still wants me to get tested though cos its always got a trace in whenever she tests it.

I have to go to hospital at 9, have blood taken, drink a sugary drink then get blood taken again 2 hours later.

OH's at work anyway so its not like I had plans :lol:
Doesn't really sound like the most exciting way to spend a saturday.

Good luck!
How did you get on Kirsty? Did you find out any results at the tests or have you got to wait a while?

I got glucose showing a few times when my midwife did tests during my last pregnancy. It always coincided with my having drank a pint of fresh orange juice. When I explained she was fine about it :lol:
I had it done but they dont contact me unless the results are abnormal.

I had to go onto the actual labour ward to have it done....that brought back memories of when I had Josh :shock:

I saw a few women wandering around in labor and a few who had just had their babies, Im excited now...wish it was June lol :)
i've never been on the labout ward... i wonder how it is :think:

and i know what you mean about june. GOSH :roll:
neeko_1 said:
i've never been on the labout ward... i wonder how it is :think:

and i know what you mean about june. GOSH :roll:

Ours do tours where you can go and be shown around so you know what to expect, not sure if all hospitals do that?

At our hospital you also have your own room and en suite bathroom and you stay there from being admitted, throughout labour and until you go home. Its really good cos its more private for you, OH and baby :)

I suppose the NHS get some things right at least :lol:
x-kirsty-x said:
[quote="neeko_1":3jm8zekj]i've never been on the labout ward... i wonder how it is :think:

and i know what you mean about june. GOSH :roll:

Ours do tours where you can go and be shown around so you know what to expect, not sure if all hospitals do that?

At our hospital you also have your own room and en suite bathroom and you stay there from being admitted, throughout labour and until you go home. Its really good cos its more private for you, OH and baby :)

I suppose the NHS get some things right at least :lol:[/quote:3jm8zekj]

your own room :eek: well i don't think my hos does that :( but that would be very nice to have

i will ask those you never know.. how is things going hun anyway??

i saw your tummt pic.. it's coming along nicely :hug:
Im alright, just feel out of breath all the time! And Im worried that my bumps getting too big.

I sorted out my wardrobe earlier, my god it was so depressing!! I didnt realise how many nice clothes I have and now they dont fit :lol:

OH was saying 'Put them away til after the babys born, you'll fit into them again one day' but I doubt I will,I'll probably just stay fat forever now :cry:

Ryans been kicking loads though, OH felt him do a massive turn-over the other day and it was so cute :D
ah bless.. that's so cute, i can't wait till my man feels the movements... and know he will love ti feel her kick :lol:

and the whole clothes thing is really up setting, my fav pair of jeans are starting to get a bit tight... i got them when i was a size 12... and they where a size 14, and now they are getting to tight..

i know i'm going to be a FAT cow.. just crying about my weight :x

but i refuse to be a fat mum.. i will be a sexy mama :pray: :lol: :lol:
neeko_1 said:
but i refuse to be a fat mum.. i will be a sexy mama :pray: :lol: :lol:

I told OH today that Im scared of staying fat afterwards and he said...

'Dont worry, I'll look after Ryan and send you to the gym' :rotfl:

Its a good job I know he was joking :lol:

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