Just saying......


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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a quick hello to you all as Ive not been on here half as much as Id like to have been simply coz I feel so yukky!
Sickness as well as relapse keeping me down atm but I WILL bounce back asap!

But im still checking in on my mobile just cant post until Im on my laptop so sorry for late replies and hope your all well....will be back to my addictivie posting self asap.....

Ah thanks soph me too.....just came like a bolf of lightening and wont go!! lol How you feeling got sickness yet?? lol xxx
funnily enough am off sick today as just feel so nauseous, keep going hot and cold, other end feels a bit strange too. Not been sick but have felt bleurghhh since about week 6. Not sure if I would rather just be sick and get it out the way! Work don't know yet either so had to say it was a bug or something I ate :( xxx
Ah nightmare....I know with DD I had lots of sickness but once Id thrown up I was ok till the next time but with this lo I throw up and spend the rest of the day feeling nausious and like Im going to be sick so cant win lol! Happy days tho as know all is well and know its not going to last forever!!

Sorry to hear your feeling rough but its a good sign isnt it....xxx
AAhhhh poor you Wilma, hopefully the sickness will disappear very soon. Can't believe that's you 12 weeks when's your scan?
Sorry to hear you're having a bit of a rough time Wilma, can't believe you're 12 weeks already! When is your scan?
Sorry to hear your having abit of a rough time hun, hope you are feeling better soon x x

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Thanks ladies!!!

I know 12 weeks already!! EEEEEEEKK My scan is next monday afternoon and I cant wait! Then as long as all is ok me and David and Kate are going shopping to buy a few bits.....soooo excited!!! xxx
Hi Wilma & Soph, so sorry you're both sickly. I am only six weeks so dreading this bit. Hope you're both feeling better soon. Xx
Thanks Nanc...yeah its not the nicest but soooo worth it lol!! Hope old mother nature isnt too hard on you tho ...xxx
Hope you are feeling better soon Wilma! As the others have said I can't believe you are 12 weeks already - makes it seem more achievable as I can remember you getting your BFP. Fingers crossed I will be there before I know it! x
Thanks Jod.....ahhh I know I really cant believe how fast its gone and yes you will be saying this too in a few weeks!! lol Soo exciting isnt it xxx
12 whole weeks!!!! Thats amazing wilma....................... cant wait til im joining you xxxxxxxx Miss your posts in TTC so much xxxxxxxxx But obviously so happy for you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ahhh Mushy I really miss you too and contributing to TTC....but yeah hope your over here asap.....I feel lonely in there lol hope your well.......xxx
I forget that everyone else is moving up the weeks too at times - my brain is shot at the min - so great that your at the 12 week mark hunni - see you over in tri 2 soon x
Thanks SPC I know I cant wait!!!!! Soooo excited for it!!! xxx

Yeah Sarl the weeks are going by soo fast arnt they!! But yeah I will see you in a couple of weeks....bunk along lol xxx

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