just realised :(


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
Reaction score
im leaving here monday an off to the 3rd tri :( cant believe how fast things are going
Things are going way too fast :shock: ,i will be joining you next sunday :cheer: xx
well i have 8 weeks and 3 days left and im not happy... im jealous :shakehead:
hevwithbump said:
im leaving here monday an off to the 3rd tri :( cant believe how fast things are going

oh Hev! ill have to go shopping for your arrival! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Ill save a seat next to me too. You cna be my bestest friend if you share your sweets with me! :D
dotn make me throw a hormonal tantrum!!!

everyones leaving *sniff*

eblinx left me now ur leaving me too

its just not fair, im AGES away from joining you guys :(
Dont worry Lozzi im still here....its gonna be weird now everyone is going!!
Blimey, that's gone quick Hev! :doh:

Seems like i've got ages yet. :(

Please come back and visit. :hug:
Why are you sad hev?
Is it because i am in the 3rd tri and you were enjoying time away from me? :rotfl: :rotfl:
Can we hold hands and go together hev? I'm a bit shy :oops:
awww bless you all , we will look after you in the Third Tri honest!
awww your all soooo lovely!!! i will be back to visit

i will miss you violet but see you soon :hug:

budge your great :hug:

dippy we can hold hands! :wave:

eblinx i will bring some cheese!
Make sure your not late..or they might try and turn you away like they did to me :cry: :cry:
jaidy i think were gonna have to baracade the exits too many are leaving, no one is laeving till me and jaidy can leave :D

new people are very welcome, but no one is going to the next tri wtihout us :twisted:
well seeing as you left us and took all ur cheese wtih u theres a few seats, ur cheese collection really was taking up a lot of space ebinx
lozzijane said:
well seeing as you left us and took all ur cheese wtih u theres a few seats, ur cheese collection really was taking up a lot of space ebinx
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I still have a bit of cheese here for when i come back and vist you know!! :wink:
hahaha, cant believe u left me, its shocking it really is *sniff*
ive decided hev, your not going, were not losing you
lozzijane said:
hahaha, cant believe u left me, its shocking it really is *sniff*

I havnt not left you!
Im still posting here
You cant get rid of me that easily :shakehead:

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