just realised!!!!!*shock*


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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if this sprog inside me.. is anything like charlotte.. it could be here in 38 days! :shock: :shock: :shakehead: i cant believe it.. omg.. im sooo scared.. lol.. not scared of the labor.. pain nothing.. jsut of.. a baby ... lol.. i love the impradicatbility of labor happening, i jsut dont think im prepared yet.. i best start trying to sort my head and the familys..!! omg! sorry lol...

I'll sometimes be lying in my bed drifting off to sleep and all of a sudden I'll completely snap out of my lovely dreamy state and suddenly think "OH MY GOD I'M GOING TO HAVE ANOTHER BABY!" Seems to be happening more and more now I'm nearing the end too. I have to admit that although I have everything I need I just don't feel prepared at all. And lets be honest, the nearer you are to the end the more likely it's to happen at any time!
you'd best start getting ready lol. saying that i dont think it matters how prepared you are, i really don't think we're ever "ready"
its a horrible feeling that sudden panic in the pit of your stomach :shock: i started getting that about 30 weeks, my dd has been such a joy to us (she is 13 now) and we seem to have done things right because she is a really good kid, but i panic that we have such a huge responsibilty to our new baby and what if we dont do it right this time, all sorts of stupid things go through my mind :D
OMG Susie.... that's how I feel sometimes... dunno if its a second time mum thing... but DD who's 8 is such a joy to have, even if she can be a bit of pain at time... but in general she is one of the most well behaved little people I have ever met... kind, generous, considerate, and she is a really fantastic person to know.... but having to do it a second time???? I keep praying for a fantastic sleeper and a good baby and then I remember that DD was none of these but is a fab daughter... and will I do it right again?

I also hate the idea of having another kid, and DD getting pushed aside... I know I'll never push her aside but other people... mainly because she is a lot older and people forget that just because you are older doesn't mean you don't feel jealous and sad.

I know DD got very jealous when we brought the new cot, because we didn't get her a new bed... and no matter how hard I tried to explain to her that she had a bed but the baby would have to sleep on cold tiles if we didn't get her a cot, she couldn't grasp it... :roll:

That being said... DD seems to be the only person in the entire family who has accepted that a new baby is going to be here in a matter of days. Everyone else seems to be putting it to the back of their minds. I know when I had DD everyone was busy preparing for the new arrival, but this time, it's almost like people don't want to acknowledge it just yet...

She's dead excited but a little apprehensive at the same time... but for me I am more apprehensive about how I am going to cope with sleepless nights, getting an 8 year old sorted each day with homework and school and hold down a 40 hour a week job without collapsing and dying... :rotfl:
i actualy read that for a change squig lol..(shows how bored i am) but that is exactly how i feel.. was talking to al last night and said.. i jsut feel weird..

i know most 2nd time mums say.. how can you love a new one as much as ur 1st... but that is how i feel.. perhaps not knowing if its a boy or girl has not helped make it so real.. and i dont think its not knowing that has made me bond 'less' than i did with charl in my belly.. but i think it could be circumstances.. busier, not as bored, different relationaship.. where i dont have to protect the 'bump' from its father. coz this one already wants it and loves it.. also.. i was having a baby from the second i got BFP with charl.. im just pregnant this time...

was starting to think omg.. hope this isnt the start of post natal depression, never had it with charl.. but now i see more 2nd/3rd/4th time mummys feeling the same.. it has put my mind at ease..

charls really excited to..she just helped me take the moses basket covers off and put them in the machine.. and put the liquid and softner in lol..bless.. 'this is a big sister job mummy'

think i have just gotta keep telling myself its not going to be long.. instead of.. bah i got ages yet. im going to prepare myself for baby from the 1st of january.. hopefully it will stay put a little bit longer.
you see.... I actually do make sense when you read through all my garbled waffle..

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I know how you feel about loving your second one more... and because you are in a different relationship this time, it was planned... it's very much loved and wanted from both sides... from before it's conception... that it just feels.. very odd..
we all seem to have bigish gaps between our children, maybe its a mums guilt that they may think are trying to replace our babies now they are growing up, i just know it is going to be really hard not to over compensate my charlotte for my guilty feelings and let her run rings round me lol, we were ttc for a few years and not until i actually got pregnant did these feelings really kick in and find myself constantly trying to reassure her it wont make a diffrence to the relationship i have with her now, i know Charlotte is really looking forward to our baby's arrival and she will be the most fantastic big sister he could wish for and the fact that we are having a boy does help a little, i tell Charlotte all the time how proud she makes me so i think it is just my insecuraties and hormones lol
and to add.. perhaps a little apprehensive because.. i was haivng charlotte... as a baby that would never grow up.. i never saw her as a little girl jsut as a baby i blocked that bit out of my mind..perhaps its a little apprehension on my behalf that.. this baby.. will grow up.. they arnt babys for long.. and i think that frightens me a little..im also a little nervous about routieen with the 2 of them.. but thats going to ahve to be a little trial and error :?
lisa&alex said:
and to add.. perhaps a little apprehensive because.. i was haivng charlotte... as a baby that would never grow up.. i never saw her as a little girl jsut as a baby i blocked that bit out of my mind..perhaps its a little apprehension on my behalf that.. this baby.. will grow up.. they arnt babys for long.. and i think that frightens me a little..im also a little nervous about routieen with the 2 of them.. but thats going to ahve to be a little trial and error :?

i think we never want our babies to grow up and can't imagine it happening i know my mum still thinks i am her baby and i'm 38 :oops: she keeps ringing all the time and asking me am i ok and if it was possible she would want to do the whole giving birth for me rather than me be in pain.
dont worry about the routine i am sure it will all be ok you just learn as you go along like you say it will be trial and error :D
I Only Have 32 Days Left! and If Shes Early That Could Mean Anything From Just 11 Days :shock:...Or Of Course She Could Be Late
i suppose we could actually drop on the same day carly?? how strange would that be! anything after the 1st of jan would be alright...
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: but at least bubs will be here, sorry I just love peeps anouncing babys arrivals :oops:
Hi all

I hope you don't mind me butting in but i know the feelings you are all going thru, they are all perfectly natural.

There is only 15 months between my 1st 2 then a 6 year gap and this one is a 2 year gap.

i always wondered how could i love another one just as much and not make my 1st feel left out, it was an even bigger fear when i had the 3rd but it just comes so naturally. I also wondered how kids could be so different but they are, all 3, its lovely.

One thing i would definately advise you all though, is when your kids come to see the new baby, make sure you are NOT, i repeat NOT holding the new baby as this will make them very jelous. Its ok once they have met but they'll accept it more and wont feel second best if your not holding your baby. Also get them involved wherever they can, nappy changes, baths etc, it'll make them feel closer and not pushed out, everything will be just fine.

Routine...haha... i HATE routine, can't do it (thats why i'm struggling at home at the mo i think) when #3 came along hubby said you're definately gonna have to get up earlier as my 2 older ones were at school, i dreaded the thought, i hate getting up early but things just fell into place, i still get up at 7.30 and out the door by 8.30 with 3 kids, nothing changed, Ben just seemed to fit in to the normal morning routine, not sure whats gonna happen when this one pops out though :shock: probably will have to get up a fraction earlier, say 15 minutes :rotfl:

As soon as your baby arrives all your fears will dissappear, you'll just get on with things and everything will fall naturally into place :D

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