Just need to vent


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2005
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Bloomin OH. He asked today if he could go away with his mates for a weekend which I was ok with but now he is telling me they are going for 4 days. I know this probably sounds daft but I can handle him going on the Fri and returning Sunday but not returning til Monday is too much for me. I am still not too great with being on my own with Seren, and the thought of being on my own with her for that long makes me feel really scared. He has already been away this year, went to Download for 5 days but my sister was with me. He says I should go away, as then in his eyes its fair but he knows I can't just go, and that I wouldn't want to. Have said to him 3 days but he says I am being mardy!!

Just needed to get this off my chest as if I vent to him we will fall out which I don't want to do so I'll wait til I calm down then discuss it (i.e. insist on 3 days).
ild have a problem with it as i am a jelous sod lol, and dont trust men. but not for being on my own? i love being alone with my kids every now and then kris used to work away when dior was 2weeks old but we were fine
I know exactly where you are coming from beanie, I was on here moaning about DH going for a night out, not 4 days away!!!!!! I don't enjoy the 2 nights that he works night shift as I worry about Jacob playing up and me not being able to settle him. I hope that your conversation goes well with your OH and that he agrees to only go for 3 days.

you might be shocked and love your free time with seren? i was scared of something going wrong and more so after Dior chocked and stopped breathing when a baby but i enjoyed it in the end.
but still 4days is a bit unfair
I'm the same as Dionne, would be very jealous if Carl went away for any amount of time :evil: We've never spent any nights apart from each other since we met (actually he works 2 nights a week but thats different lol)

I think he should be chuffed to bits with getting 3 days away, not many of us get the chance. Give him a big kick up the arse lol!

I have Reece for 5 days a week 24/7 while OH works his shifts and it is really really hard work but its also very nice. You will probably really enjoy your time with Seren. :D
I wish my OH would go away for 4 days!!
lol Kim.

I'm ok with OH going, he has been away a few times before and it has never bothered me but I am still experiencing downs, and am scared it'll coincide with him being away and me on my own with Seren. I really struggle to cope whn I get like that, and then only thing that keeps me going is knowing OH will be back home in the afternoon. Am going to chat to him tonight, have sulked enough lol.
Kim said:
I wish my OH would go away for 4 days!!

Haha Thats exactly what I said....my house would be so tidy LOL
I understand where you're coming from, Beanie! Best to stay calm and say something like.....
I would love for you to go for four days... I want you to have a really good time. I don't want to upset your plans - I just thought that you would like me to squeeze into that little black number, long silky gloves, wonderbra and make it worth your while *grab between legs - gentle squeeze*... what do you think BIG BOY? :rotfl: :rotfl:

Sorry, got carried away.
I hope he considers your feelings!

Hugs :hug: :hug:
Emilia xx

Say no if you dont want him to go or at least make him compromise! Seren is just as much his responsibility as your's. They make me laugh sometimes, they want equal rights when it suits them but as soon as they want to go away we are left holding the baby, literally lol

(I do love having the house to myself though when my OH goes away) :wink:

Lou :)
Have discussed it, he's having three days in Newquay. His friends apparently think he is under the thumb but I don't give a shitas they don't have any children. Still nervous about 3 days but at least its not 4. Thanks for listening everyone.
Glad he listened! Now how about coming over to visit me for the 3 days? :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

You'll be just fine hun!
Emilia xx :hug:
:shakehead: Emilia how come I don't get an invite? ;)

Glad you've come to a comprimise - like I said last night I'd be upset. When is it? I'll try to make sure that I can get good access to the computer so we can chat :D
emilia said:
Glad he listened! Now how about coming over to visit me for the 3 days? :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

You'll be just fine hun!
Emilia xx :hug:

I wish I could Emilia, would be there like a shot. Kina you could come as well but Ella and Seren would be fighting over Oscar so we'd have to have a word with them both before we went. Emilia your post made me laugh :lol:

Will let you know Kina, cheers for your support.
Im glad you came to an arrangement hun. My OH is away for a week at the mo at a bloody landrover show on his 'stagweek' i dont like being alone so i went to my mums.
When is he going? we could meet up for one of the days if you wanted?

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