Just need a moan.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2008
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I NEVER want a boyfriend...EVER. there all comepleate toss***.
My ex boyfriend Dan, the farther of my baby has been going round telling everyone at school that I gave him chlamidiah.
:evil: :evil:
Im not normally a vilont person, I hate fighting but if I see him... he wont be making any more babies.
I dont even have clamidiah! I was tested a afew weeks ago and I dont.
Afew weeks ago he was saying stuff to my friends 'oh I could easily beat up rickie and neill' (too of my best mates), neill went up to Dan and said 'I heard you could beat me in a fight, wanna find out then?' and Dan goes 'No no I didnt say anything about you',
UGHHH hes such a tw**. He says sh** about people but when hes found out he just denys it.
:evil: :evil:
God he sounds like an immature little boy. Best keep away from people like that. :)
He sounds like a little boy and you do not need that around you.
All you need to do sweetie is ignore i and rise above it. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Serendipity_ said:
You certainly don't need a 'man' like that. :shock:

I agree! And you should tell him if you DID have chlaymydia (sp) then you would be passing it onto his baby.. that might shut him up before he goes round saying nasty things like that! He just sounds really immature and silly hun.
Yeah he is really imature.
Just thinking about him winds me up :lol:
Don't no what I ever saw in him. Hes not even that good looking :lol:
Im just annoyed that people are going to think I have an sti when I dont.
Jazz, how old are you mate?? You still at school? Because if you are, not long left then you won't have to worry bout em! :cheer:
Im 16.
Supose to be in year 11 at the moment but things have happened this year and the social workers people have given me a year off, for the best really as now Im pregnant and all.
I just dont want the reputation that i have sti's lol
try not to let it bother you. you know you dont have itand thats all that matters

will you be doing your gcse's next year? or taking them at home?
No as I havent been to school since april so I havent been revising at all.
Once the babys born and is a year or so old Im going to go back to college and take them.
ah that'll be a great idea. concentrate on baby :)
bugger them chick. If they are sad nad pathetic enough to believe him then they arent friends.

As someone once said to me. Its mind over matter. You dont mind cos they dont matter.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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