Just moved over :o)


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2007
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Well i have just taken the big step into the 2nd trimester i am 13 weeks today...

I had my scan yesterday and was put 2 days ahead of my due date so i am now due on the 6th september :cheer:

So just wanted to say hello really oh and here is my scan pics from yesterday .....

Our best one a lovely profile of baby's face - Cute!




Speak soon xx
Hi Paula and welcome isn't it a relieve to be into the safer trimester.
hi , im a few days off but have decided to move on up as i had scan yesterday and everything is fine, im soo glad your scan went well paula and they r really really good pics!! i cant load mine on because i aint got a data cable to mobile phone and bluetooth thingy aint working properly, so will have to wait to see if i find cable. it feels great being in this trimester, although i thought that i would never get here as first trimester went soo slow. xxxxx
Welcome to 2nd tri!! :cheer:

Your scan pics are brilliant, they're so cute! :D
Hello i am a newbie here too... welcome x

Weclome hun, love your pics, the second one looks really cute :)
Thanks everyone for the welcome's over :hug:

Your so right Smurf it is a huge relieve to be in the safer trimester :D And glad you made it over also Kim :cheer: Look forward to seeing you piccy if you find your cable :)

Thanks kirsty, nikkif and Katrina :hug: I am really pleased with my piccys i could not get over how clear we could see baby, the lady said it was a new scan machine and sure did it show loved it just wish i could go again, but have to wait till 20 weeks now :shakehead: lol
Thanks hun and congrats on your little boy and happy birthday x :cheer:
Hi all,

I'm just joining 2nd tri too - and what a relief it is to be here! I've known I was pregnant since I was about 3 weeks (really strong symptoms) and that feels like a million years ago!

Paula, I'm 13 +1 and due on 5th Sept! Looking forward to getting to know you all xx :hug:
Hello there Paula+bump :wave: :wave:
Lovely pics of your scan, glad everything's goind well for you :hug:

And hello to kimheath, nikkif and weenik :wave: :wave: :wave:

Very best wishes :hug:
Hi :wave: and welcome to the second Tri! :)

It's great here but watch out because time really passes quickly in this trimester! :D Before you know it you'll be half way then almost ready to leave! :clap:

Great scan pics. I like the profile one .... it's like my 13 week scan. :)

hello ladies :) welcome to second tri

it only feels like yesterday when i was movin up out of first tri

those scan pics are brilliant :cheer:
Thanks everyone for you comments and welcomes :hug:

Sabrina the profile one is my best pic too it's really cute seeing baby's profile :cheer: Thanks Lyn_no3 I was really chuffed with my scan pics as it was at 12 weeks i thought they were really clear :D

Really chuffed to be in this trimester :dance:

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