Just miscarried on Sunday.


Active Member
Oct 26, 2014
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Hi ladies,

it is with a very sad heart I tell you I m/c at 8 and a half weeks on Sunday. From Wednesday til yesterday, it's been a mentally and physically draining time.

One minute I had all these plans and a due date and we're full of joy, next it's all gone and I'm "back to normal".

I cant believe it happened and needless to say we are gutted. Just seen a friends Facebook post about her baby and logging back on here has set me off in tears again.

Just looking for support and a shoulder to cry on

Candice. xxx
I'm so sorry for your loss Candice... Can't imagine how awful you and your oh must be feeling! I had a chemical pregnancy last cycle and even though it was only a chemical it still broke my heart! One minute your excited and the next it's all taken away!! I can't offer any words of advice but your in my thoughts and I hope that one day when your ready you will try again and bring a beautiful little baby into this world xxx

So sorry to hear your sad news. I have two shoulders you can cry on anytime as I have been through the same hing just recently. Like you we had our due date and were making plans and up until our 12 week scan we knew nothing was wrong at all

You have just got on the emotional rollercoaster and I wont lie it wont be easy but I promise you will get through it. All I will say is give yourself time and a lot of it as I tried to rush the grieving process and it didnt work made things worse.

You do whatever you need to to get those emotions out scream, cry, get angry but please dont think this was your fault because it wasn't just mother nature being very very cruel.

Huge hugs to you xxx
I'm so sorry for your loss Candice... Can't imagine how awful you and your oh must be feeling! I had a chemical pregnancy last cycle and even though it was only a chemical it still broke my heart! One minute your excited and the next it's all taken away!! I can't offer any words of advice but your in my thoughts and I hope that one day when your ready you will try again and bring a beautiful little baby into this world xxx

Thank you Colleen for your kind words.

It's still the same feeling isnt it, of thinking you have something then you dont :( (big hugs) so sorry for your chemical pregnancy, it seems so cruel doesnt it?

Thank you so much, my first thought was to ttc asap, but we'll give it a month or 2 and try again. You're in my thoughts too xxx

So sorry to hear your sad news. I have two shoulders you can cry on anytime as I have been through the same hing just recently. Like you we had our due date and were making plans and up until our 12 week scan we knew nothing was wrong at all

You have just got on the emotional rollercoaster and I wont lie it wont be easy but I promise you will get through it. All I will say is give yourself time and a lot of it as I tried to rush the grieving process and it didnt work made things worse.

You do whatever you need to to get those emotions out scream, cry, get angry but please dont think this was your fault because it wasn't just mother nature being very very cruel.

Huge hugs to you xxx

Thank you Kaz,

I'm so sorry to hear you've been through the same thing reccently :(

It is so cruel isnt it? I was crying to my OH saying "why let us get pregnant at all if we were just going to lose it all?" I think I am a bit too, but little posts on FB set me off again. I had all these plans and names and couldnt wait to meet my little one, now I feel cheated and ripped off.

Huge hugs back to you too,

thank you too for your kind words


So sorry to hear your sad news. I have two shoulders you can cry on anytime as I have been through the same hing just recently. Like you we had our due date and were making plans and up until our 12 week scan we knew nothing was wrong at all

You have just got on the emotional rollercoaster and I wont lie it wont be easy but I promise you will get through it. All I will say is give yourself time and a lot of it as I tried to rush the grieving process and it didnt work made things worse.

You do whatever you need to to get those emotions out scream, cry, get angry but please dont think this was your fault because it wasn't just mother nature being very very cruel.

Huge hugs to you xxx

Thank you Kaz,

I'm so sorry to hear you've been through the same thing reccently :(

It is so cruel isnt it? I was crying to my OH saying "why let us get pregnant at all if we were just going to lose it all?" I think I am a bit too, but little posts on FB set me off again. I had all these plans and names and couldnt wait to meet my little one, now I feel cheated and ripped off.

Huge hugs back to you too,

thank you too for your kind words


Thank you

Just take one day at a time. If you dont feel like doing anything or going out dont do it. I found I forced myself to go out and be around people even though it was extremely hard it helped for when I came back to work

We went away for a couple days after I was out of hospital and just being somewhere weher noone knew us helped to clear our heads. I struggled at a frienbds son's birthday party although it was all people I knew I had to take time out just to gather my thoughts

There will be little things not even baby related most of the time that will have you in tears. I still cry now for no particular reason I just need to let the tears out.

Yesterday I got blood results back that confirmed my levels are back to a non-pregnant state so hard as it is we have a blank canvas to work with now. I am inpatien as all I wana be is pregnant again like right now but I have to tell myself that I dont want kids and itl happen as that thinking worked the first time

Here anytime you wana talk xxx
I am so sorry to hear this! It is so hard, I found out yesterday it looks like baby stopped at around 5 weeks. I had been thinking about planning how to tell people, we didn't book next years holiday, planning my boyfriends leave to get babys first christmas off next year and now it is all gone. I will always remember the due date that was meant to be. I am in pieces as I am sure you are too!

If you ever need to talk I am here, I know it might not help but sometimes talking to someone who you don't know can be good.

I just want everything to be back to 'normal' so I can think about trying again but I feel it might be too soon for me to try immediately! xx
Im sorry for your losses. It truely is the most heartbreaking time. All the excitement and plans so cruely snatched away! Take time to grieve as thats important. Spend time with you and your oh. Xxx
I'm so sorry to hear this. We're on our fifth attempt and it looks like it's going to be another miscarriage. I know it doesn't help how you feel but I try to take solace in the fact that we're all in this together. All going through different stages of the process.

I can thoroughly recommend having a bloomin good cry, let it out, binge on alcohol, eat chocolate and feel sorry for yourself. You have every right.

Then I like to dust myself off, do a detox and purification of all the alcohol and chocolate, before starting again with a smile.

It never helps that there is always a friend on facebook either expecting, or showing off their lovely new baby. But I try to remember that it's likely they had trouble too at some stage. A friend of mine has 3 children but I found out she had at least two miscarriages before the first and in between the second and third. So I am happy for her x

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