Just me??


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2011
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I'm about 6 weeks with my 3rd baby and have a really horrible taste in the back of my throat... it's a bit like the taste you get when you've ate to much white chocolate.

It's really getting on my nerves now and i keep asking people if i have bad breath.

Anybody else have this problem or have any solutions?
i have had horrible taste in my mouth but thats it hun x
hi sometimes it can be due to dehydration like me, althouogh im drinking its not enough so my mouth always feels likeive never brushed my teeth.

got this with my daughter as well, its also just hormones, every pregnancy is different and uwill experience things u didnt before
Yep I got this too, it has got better this week but sweet food is still turning my stomach due to the after taste that never seems to go, can't even bear mints or gum now as it tastes too sweet after. I've been eating grapes instead and sipping water all day.
Yup, I got this as well. It's quite bad and really affected my appetite for the last 3 weeks making everything just taste a bit off somehow. I find it gets better after eating nuts, apples, mango, certain brands of chewing gum (Extra Professional was particularly effective), and now bizzarely, Chinese special fried rice :shock:.

It is starting to go a bit now so I'm hopeful that it will dissipate in the next few weeks and I can have my normal sense of taste back! In the meanwhile its fruit, chewing gum and rice for me... :)

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