Just had early scan - Yaay!


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
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Hi all

I'm so happy - went to booking in appt and ended up having a dating scan - MW phoned through to hospital and because there were no scan dates avail for the next few weeks and they could squeeze me in this afternoon they said go straight down :D.

Anyway I got to see my little bean - had a heartbeat and everything and is apparently 13mm from head to bum! I have just one photo as they were charging £3 per piccie and I hardly had any cash on me :( and to be honest it's a bit of a blob on there (the sonographer showed us which was the head end and which was the bottom!) I'll try and scan it later - DH took the piccie to work with him so he can do some photocopies!!

So now my littlebump will be known (very unorginally - sorry) as 'littlebean'.

Anyway I'm soooooooooooo relieved as I was very worried about lack of symptoms and a bad tummy bug a few weeks ago etc. etc.

So officially baby is 7w+6 days and due on 31st May 2007. My calcs had it as 1st June 2007 so I'll stick with the ticker I have!!

Good to know everythings alright, not got my booking in appointment till 6th Nov, seems to be taking forever to get there, i need a time machine
Awww hun what a nice surprise getting a scan right away! Bet it was so good seeing your little bean! Glad it went well :hug: :D
Oh that's lovely news. I think I'm at the same stage as you, but haven't got mw appt yet grrr it all takes so damn long doesn't it?
Peanut said:
Oh that's lovely news. I think I'm at the same stage as you, but haven't got mw appt yet grrr it all takes so damn long doesn't it?

grrr tell me about it lol.
only got 7 days now till my first scan, last week went so slow, this week will probably be slower!!! :evil:

looking forward to seeing the pic btw :)
Glad all went well at your scan.from my dates im due 31st may too but knowing me il have it all wrong lol
Congrats Littlebump! That must be such a relief, I know how I felt when I actually saw my baby. Its so reassuring to have a scan and know there is actually something in there. Relax and enjoy!
YAYYYYY!! Glad all is OK, how lovely, a Gemini baby :D
glad everything went well... After the first few weeks time seems to be zooming by now.
Glad little bean is ok, looking at the tickers thats 4 of us all due around the same date :dance:
Glad they squeezed you in for your scan to save waiting around for weeks - that fab!!

Glad to hear all went well :cheer:
Aww I'm so glad everything's ok.

Must be such a relief :hug:


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