Just had a brain fart about due date estimates for 2016


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2015
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I was gazumped the other day at my booking in app as to why or how my midwife came up with a dat later than what ever online calculator was telling me. (Yep that one day means alot to me haha)

Well, she worked it out using a wheel thing on her desk. Which I'm assuming gets used year in year out and probably doesn't take into account it's a leap year next year, whereas online calculators are year specific.

Does this seem likely that that's where the EDD date has been altered slightly?
By her estimates, I'll be 40 weeks + 1 day on my EDD. If it wasn't a leap year next year, then baby would be due when she said and would make perfect sense.

Has anyone else due after Feb 29th had this issue??
Got my booking in tomorrow.

But most mws will base edd on a 28day cycle from lmp

If thats the case mine would be 29th april!
But i have long irregular cycles and i used opks.
I ov's cd26 so adding 14dpo later would give me a 39/40day cycle.. So i have given myself a due date of 11th may!!

Similar with my lb.. I gave myself 6th july, mw gave 3rd july, dating scan gave 1st july but he arrived 11th july lol!!
Guess thats why they are estimated ay! Xx
Yeah that makes sense...I've just been on the due date calculator online and put my lmp in but with 2014 and not 2015 and it gave me a due date a day later xx
The NHS calculator online gives me a day later than the other online calculators - I'll check about the wheel and leap years (mums a midwife, she relys on said wheel!!). My first I had 12th September, had 2 scans and they moved me forward each time (eventually to 7th September) and he was born 17th September!

It's easy to say, way harder to do, but try not to get too attached to your date - being overdue is horrible!!! Xxx
Wouldnt worry in slightest about due dates given by mw or lmp, your dating scan is the only thing that will give u your actual edd as that is based on measurements of the baby. As stated no point getting too attached to a due date anyway as u are very unlikely to give birth on that date.
The 1 day difference will be down to 2016 being a leap year but u will get confirmed edd at your scan x
Makes so much sense now...... I hadn't even realised next year was a leap year! Well done on the spot MummyandPJ!!

PP xXx
So ive gone from thinking im 6+2 to 7+5 lol..

New the me would use a 28day cycle!!

I think shes wrong and im not as far as that..
Will see what dating scan on 20th oct says xx

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