Just got woken by a horrible tooth dream


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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Just had this horrible dream that my front teeth fell out. I remember goin to switch a light on outside the room I was in, when the DH pressed a button that made the wall move and it made my top front teeth crumble. I remember lookin in the mirror and I had lost a few top ones and one front tooth was still there but it had a square hole in the middle. I remember saying "I now look like a tramp, it's all ur fault" and cryin.

I then wooke up cos I needed a wee (nothin usual there!!!!) and my teeth hurt now. Must've been grinding them.

Horrible, horrible dream :(
Ahhh hun I get these dreams, I am literally spitting teeth out.. It's horrible, hope you can get back to sleep x
my nan always says if you lose a tooth in your dreams then you're going to lose a friend!
Well last night i had a dream i was having sex with Batman last night. Definately couldn't get back to sleep after that!!

I think you dream really weird dreams when pregnant, not sure why?

Hopefully his sidekick Robin won't appear tonight??
Haha you never know they might both arrive tonight! :)

Well last night i had a dream i was having sex with Batman last night. Definately couldn't get back to sleep after that!!

I think you dream really weird dreams when pregnant, not sure why?

Hopefully his sidekick Robin won't appear tonight??

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