just got my scan date!


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2012
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After weeks of not hearing a thing I've finally received my first scan date through whooop its next wedsday so got a week to wait so happy but nervous at the same time! Can anyone give me an idea of what happens? Also I'm worried about my oh being there in case somethings wrong I don't want to be selfish but don't know if I want him there? Xx
We got same date hun...mines 2pm, pretty chilled at the mo but ill be a wreck come Tue night! Why you thinking of that having oh there hun? I'll need hubby there for the support, I'd be worse without him lol! Have you ever had a scan before? Xx
Its ur OH's baby too and he should be there with you to see it. If something is wrong, you will both be dealing with it together anyway.
I wouldn't dream of not having DH there for my scans x

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We got same date hun...mines 2pm, pretty chilled at the mo but ill be a wreck come Tue night! Why you thinking of that having oh there hun? I'll need hubby there for the support, I'd be worse without him lol! Have you ever had a scan before? Xx

Yeah mines 2pm too! I don't know why I feel like that maybe because of anythings wrong ill feel like I've let him down I know I'm being silly he's said he's coming anyway!
Nope never had scan before I'm 21 and this is first pregnancy xx
I agree with the other girls about having your OH there so you can both share the joy of your first scan and seeing your little one.

I know what you mean of the feeling of letting him down if something doe shappen to be wrong cos I feel like that too but Im sure everything will be fine xx
youll be absolutely fine, i was a wreck before my scan and although i dnt have a partner i couldnt go to that scan on my own i had to take a friend. Youll both love it its a brilliant experience, plus from what others have said partners feel quite left out in pregnancy so this will be a good chance for him to experience your pregnancy xxx

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