just got back from the dr's


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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all is well she put me ahead 4 days but im sticking to my dates lol.
went threw all the normal q's and she is booking me in for an early scan which is good news.
also got an emmas diary which has a coupon to get a goodie bag :D
only problem is there isnt a lloyds pharmacy near me ho hum
got my folic acid although she wouldnt give me nic patches as they aint recomened in pregnancy so im going to have to do it the hard way.
going to need lots of surport ladies :D :D
manda x
U can do it :hug: :hug:
I'm struggling to stop too but feeling so :puke: at the moment i really don't want one!!!
I usually smoke 10 - 15 a day now the smell of smoke makes me wanna puke.
Good luck with stopping! I'm sure you can do it.

How long were you in for?
in the dr's about 5 mins lol they just take down dates and things and get you to fill in a midwife form and ask if you have any questions doesnt take long at all
smoking is going to be a huge challange but im sure il manage it :D
manda x
You can definately do it, girl! Your baby is worth it, to kick a bad habit. Even though smoking is... so... so... amazing... :oops:

NO, WE MUST STAY STRONG! Hehe. Glad to hear everything went well.
Yeah the Emmas's Diary goodie bag is pants, mostly a load of leaflets so you're not missing out!

Good luck with giving up smoking, just think about how much money you'll save!
oh i dont know if il bother with it then was going to send hubby on a mission to get it hehehe
i will stop starting tomorrow morning oh god im nervous about stoppping hahaha
manda x
what midna said. It's just not worth it. I get soo annoyed when I see pregnant women smoking.

Stock up on chewing gum and sweets to suck. I found that helped me a lot when I was trying to quit :D
Lollies really help, especially.

I saw a very preggers young lady stumbling around drunk and smoking, not too long ago... it practically made me cry. It just seems very irresponsible.
well will be with non smokers tomorrow so things will be easier hubby just said he will quit with me lol see who kills who first :D
manda xx
That's great that your hubby will quit with you. It's so much harder to quit when people are smoking around you
come on you can do it! Please stop for the sake of your baby, my mum smoked when she had me, not only was I very early & very poorly I also have asthma
I used to smoke about 10 a day and wanted to quit in time for the smoking ban, then I found out I was pregnant and soon enough I went off smoking. I haven't craved it atall since finding out. I hope it's the same for you :) I like Emmas Diary, each time I start another week I read that week..if that makes sense?! The bag is okay, they're worth £20 normally so I think that's a bit expensive for what's in there, the Bounty Bags from Boots/Asda is better.

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