Just got back from MW appointment


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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Heard bubs' heatbeat - good and strong, she found it straight away then bubs must have moved closer as suddently it became deafening! He/She obviously wanted to reassure me that they were still in there :)

Had a chat with her re homebirth - found out that she is 200% pro homebirth and she has said that if there is staffing problems she will be on call no matter what to try and ensure I get my homebirth (obviously providing everything is OK between now and then!)
She also said that she will come round the house when hubby is back and have a good chat with him and answer his questions and try and allay his fears.

I am officially in love with her. She is amazing. Even involved my daughter loads in the appointment, which is hard considering she is a mental 18 month old, but it all added up to me being incredibly happy with her.
Only problem is I don't see her again for a proper appointment until the 19th of December! :shock:
But she did say that she is always at the end of the phone if we needed a chat.

I feel very blessed to have such a supportive midwife. With DD I never saw the same one twice. This time I have a 80% chance that she will deliver my baby and pretty much a 99% chance that she will at least be there :D

One very very happy MM now, just hope she can make my husband feel as good as I feel!

Hope everyone has had a good day :hug:
19th of december! god.. thats yonks away.. will u have care at the hospital then? how weird
Great news. At least they're not all rubbish LOL!
lisa&alex said:
19th of december! god.. thats yonks away.. will u have care at the hospital then? how weird

I have my 20 week scan around the 25 Oct, but as this is my 2nd preganancy and I'm very low risk, they don't need to see me unless I am worried about something.

I'll be 28 weeks at my next mw appointment :shock: 3rd tri!
Bloody hell that's years away!
DebbieM said:
Great news. At least they're not all rubbish LOL!

No - I'm very lucky.
I moved from my last doctors because I hated the whole practice from the doctors to the health visitors, who all treated me like I was simple and couldn't look after a child (even down to the HV telling me in a snotty voice that "kids are like that" when I was laughing about when my daughter started crawling and wrecked the living room. I could have cried :( )
The best decision I ever made to move practices, even though the MW's were nice at the old place, this one is much smaller and more personal.

Sorry I'm going on a bit here!

At the old place, they would call your full name out and look at you funny when you stood up, questionning whether you really are who you say you are, but the MW today saw me in the waiting room, came over and using my first name asked me to follow her. Plus, I was 15 mins early and she had a gap in patients and let me in early.

(I really am going on now!) It just feels like a weight off my mind.
Excellent - sounds like she's really comitted! Makes a nice change to hear of a good one.

Great news for you hun :hug:
Sounds great, Is nice to have a good midwife.

ive only seen my mw 2 times so far.. saw her loads more with 1st preg..i had my scan, and now my care is with her for the rest of my preg.. at 28 weeks i get my anti-d injection at hosp :S andyone wanna come hold my hand?
awww thats great news - I see mine next on 15th October - but then I need more check ups I guess
super news :cheer:
- let me know if you go the homebirth route as thats what I'm going for (if everything gows to plan :pray: )
aw thats gr8, nothing beter than having a midwife you feel happy with

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