Just Found Out I'm Pregnant! What next?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2017
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Hi all,

Pretty new to this and still trying to find my way about the site.
I've taken a pregnancy test (22/06/17) and I'm 1-2 weeks pregnant.

I've phoned my GP and was told I only need a midwife appointment.
I'm on medication and not sure whether it's okay or not, would I arrange a telephone GP appointment?

Is there anything else I need to do in the mean time?

Also, when did you all tell CLOSE family?

C x

***Update*** checked a few different websites...
They think date of conception was 7 June (which is accurate) but that I'm nearly 4 weeks pregnant? Can anyone help work it out for me haha.
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When was the first day of your last period? That's generally how they work your date out until you have a scan.
We told our close family straight away, but that's just because I had a MC in October and I found it easier people knowing when that happened.
Huge Congratulations! Xx
Yes you will be 4 weeks. When the test says 1-2 weeks it means the number of weeks since conception.

But your pregnancy is dated from the first day of your last period which is why you are 4 weeks.

Thanks for the reply!
Gonna have to change my midwife appointment then ��

Need to think of some cheesy way to tell my mum. Her first grandchild!!
Congratulations :)

We told a few close family members straight away but not telling everyone else until after the 12 week scan. Good luck for your first midwife appointment :)
Congratulations hun.

So cute that you are clueless, this is exactly how I felt a few weeks ago when I found out.

First of all, book an appointment to see your GP, he will refer you to the local maternity clinic and the midwife will contact you to make an appointment for your first checkup where they take some blood tests, blood pressure etc.

Good luck and keep asking questions xxx

I'm currently pregnant with my first (30 weeks tomorrow) and had no idea what to do when I found out as it was a complete surprise!

Generally, the GP wouldn't see you as they don't confirm pregnancy with tests at the surgery anymore, they would just refer your details to the midwife and they will book an appointment with you called a booking in appointment (mine was booked for when I was what I thought was just over 10 weeks. from my last period (dates change depending on what measurements are seen at the scans though). It's at the booking in appointment that they take bloods to check for blood group and HIV status and anaemia, weigh you and discuss how your pregnancy will be managed etc.

HOWEVER this is not always the best way to do it, as some mummas need to see a doctor before hand for various reasons like medications, confirming dates, discussing options, or general concerns regarding the pregnancy. I would call your surgery back and say that this is your first child and you have some options you need to discuss with your doctor including your medications and dates. They should then agree to book you an appointment.

In regards to the dates - your test saying 1-2 weeks means that this is how long since CONCEPTION, however 2 weeks since conception is regarded as 4 weeks pregnant, as it is dated from the FIRST day of your last period.

I told my mum and best friend straight away, but we didn't tell our siblings of the bf's parents until about 9 weeks, after we had a scan which showed baby was doing well after some pains I had. We then told everyone else after 10 weeks because I was finding it hard to keep a secret due to the nature of my job.
It's completely different for everyone though and typically it's whatever makes you more comfortable. Some people hold off up until their gender scan at 20 weeks and some tell after the first dating scan at 12 weeks. It's a judgement call.

Good luck and congrats again! :)

I'm currently pregnant with my first (30 weeks tomorrow) and had no idea what to do when I found out as it was a complete surprise!

Generally, the GP wouldn't see you as they don't confirm pregnancy with tests at the surgery anymore, they would just refer your details to the midwife and they will book an appointment with you called a booking in appointment (mine was booked for when I was what I thought was just over 10 weeks. from my last period (dates change depending on what measurements are seen at the scans though). It's at the booking in appointment that they take bloods to check for blood group and HIV status and anaemia, weigh you and discuss how your pregnancy will be managed etc.

HOWEVER this is not always the best way to do it, as some mummas need to see a doctor before hand for various reasons like medications, confirming dates, discussing options, or general concerns regarding the pregnancy. I would call your surgery back and say that this is your first child and you have some options you need to discuss with your doctor including your medications and dates. They should then agree to book you an appointment.

In regards to the dates - your test saying 1-2 weeks means that this is how long since CONCEPTION, however 2 weeks since conception is regarded as 4 weeks pregnant, as it is dated from the FIRST day of your last period.

I told my mum and best friend straight away, but we didn't tell our siblings of the bf's parents until about 9 weeks, after we had a scan which showed baby was doing well after some pains I had. We then told everyone else after 10 weeks because I was finding it hard to keep a secret due to the nature of my job.
It's completely different for everyone though and typically it's whatever makes you more comfortable. Some people hold off up until their gender scan at 20 weeks and some tell after the first dating scan at 12 weeks. It's a judgement call.

Good luck and congrats again! :)

Thanks for your response. :)
I've adjusted my midwife appointment for a couple weeks earlier and told the GP about medication so just stay off til I hear back.

Did they book your dating scan at the first midwife appointment? Or
Was a date arranged in the meantime?

It's all so exciting and scary. Gonna tell my mum next week!! Aaaaaaaaah.

C x
Congratulations hun.

So cute that you are clueless, this is exactly how I felt a few weeks ago when I found out.

First of all, book an appointment to see your GP, he will refer you to the local maternity clinic and the midwife will contact you to make an appointment for your first checkup where they take some blood tests, blood pressure etc.

Good luck and keep asking questions xxx

Oh I will be asking everything haha.
Appointments booked so just a waiting game now.
It's so exciting!!!!

Just need to tell my mum now x


Good luck and congrats again! :)

Thanks for your response. :)
I've adjusted my midwife appointment for a couple weeks earlier and told the GP about medication so just stay off til I hear back.

Did they book your dating scan at the first midwife appointment? Or
Was a date arranged in the meantime?

It's all so exciting and scary. Gonna tell my mum next week!! Aaaaaaaaah.

C x

Honestly I can't quite remember! I think I did book it at the desk after my booking in appointment, as I was just over 10 weeks then and my scan was at just over 12 weeks. But I honestly can't remember!

Good luck with your appointment. I'm sure you're mum is gonna be over the moon :)
The midwife will refer you for a scan after your booking in and you'll get a letter through the post confirming date X
The midwife will refer you for a scan after your booking in and you'll get a letter through the post confirming date X

Midwife might not book in for scan just yet.

I had my booking in appointment yesterday and I am just approaching 4 weeks.

We chatted for about 25 minutes about diet, healthy lifestyle, risks for the baby and me, took blood pressure but not blood tests and she said they don't do their own tests now. She looked at my trst pictures to put my mind at ease and basically told me to stop worrying, lol.

I'm booked in for a home visit on 8th August and that's when I'll get the booking for my scan.

Hope that helps a bit and congratulations xx
Wow, that's early for a booking in appointment! Mine isn't until July 10th when I will be 11 weeks. The midwife said she will write to the hospital to arrange my scan then - really hoping it's arranged during my 12th week as I don't want to wait until my 13th week!!

We've only told immediate family and it's getting really difficult to hide it - not from my appearance but just from social events etc. So tough trying to always justify why I am always driving and never drinking! Got to the point where I have decided to just not go to some birthday drinks this weekend because I don't want to risk people getting suspicious! Bless my OH, he doesn't know what to do and I told him to just go alone but he feels bad!
Congratulations! Not much to add really, other than our booking in apps are at 8-10 weeks and the midwife actually calls the hospital and gets a scan date on the spot for you...which is nice! So it just depends. How exciting for you! We held off telling people until after 12 week scan - just made sense to us X
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Wow, that's early for a booking in appointment! Mine isn't until July 10th when I will be 11 weeks. The midwife said she will write to the hospital to arrange my scan then - really hoping it's arranged during my 12th week as I don't want to wait until my 13th week!!

We've only told immediate family and it's getting really difficult to hide it - not from my appearance but just from social events etc. So tough trying to always justify why I am always driving and never drinking! Got to the point where I have decided to just not go to some birthday drinks this weekend because I don't want to risk people getting suspicious! Bless my OH, he doesn't know what to do and I told him to just go alone but he feels bad!

I just called ad had a smear booked for yesterday. Receptionist cancelled that and said I could see mw at 2pm as she's only at that surgery on Monday afternoons.

I'm surprised anyone is made to wait...I'd have thought they'd be having the folic acid chat as so important in first 12 weeks.

I was given a pregnancy pack with loads of vouchers and free stuff and a weeks supply of pregnacare xx
The midwife will refer you for a scan after your booking in and you'll get a letter through the post confirming date X

Midwife might not book in for scan just yet.

I had my booking in appointment yesterday and I am just approaching 4 weeks.

We chatted for about 25 minutes about diet, healthy lifestyle, risks for the baby and me, took blood pressure but not blood tests and she said they don't do their own tests now. She looked at my trst pictures to put my mind at ease and basically told me to stop worrying, lol.

I'm booked in for a home visit on 8th August and that's when I'll get the booking for my scan.

Hope that helps a bit and congratulations xx

Booking in with the midwife in most regions is done around 8 weeks and they do bloods to check for various things and take the info for your detailed notes that you need during your pregnancy. You are very lucky to have been seen so early! This is my 3rd and I've never been seen before 8 weeks. Strange how it varies by area.
The midwife will refer you for a scan after your booking in and you'll get a letter through the post confirming date X

Midwife might not book in for scan just yet.

I had my booking in appointment yesterday and I am just approaching 4 weeks.

We chatted for about 25 minutes about diet, healthy lifestyle, risks for the baby and me, took blood pressure but not blood tests and she said they don't do their own tests now. She looked at my trst pictures to put my mind at ease and basically told me to stop worrying, lol.

I'm booked in for a home visit on 8th August and that's when I'll get the booking for my scan.

Hope that helps a bit and congratulations xx

Booking in with the midwife in most regions is done around 8 weeks and they do bloods to check for various things and take the info for your detailed notes that you need during your pregnancy. You are very lucky to have been seen so early! This is my 3rd and I've never been seen before 8 weeks. Strange how it varies by area.

Very. She said they like 2 missed periods before doing bloods. X
I had a telephone appointment with the doctor days after I found out and all the folic acid etc was discussed - mind you I had been taking it for 18 months and started on a multivitamin a few months before I conceived anyway. I would be surprised if most women don't know about folic acid once they are trying to conceive as it's one of the first things mentioned in any NHS advice online.

I had another appointment at 6 weeks which was another discussion and blood pressure check and then I was referred to the midwife.

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