Just been to hospital - had a scare


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2007
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Just come back from the hospital!

On Saturday I had a pink discharge and tiny pink clot and this morning had a tiny red/brown clot. Luckily I had my 28 week M/W appointment today and told her. She said there was a trace of blood in my urine sample and rang Admissions at the hospital who told me to go in then.

They monitored the babies heart and movements and monitored for contractions and did an internal swab. They can't find where the blood came from (some blood in my wee in another sample I gave)

They have sent me home and said if it happens again to ring them up, but everything seems fine with LO, the placenta is high and I have to see my GP next week for the swab results.

DH took me which was sweet as he doesn't get paid leave like I do

I was so scared that something was wrong.

Glad there is nothing obvious wrong.....have they ruled out a UTI ?- that can cause some blood to be present

L x
ah sorry to hear that, i hope ur results are good.. its really scary when stuff like that happens, i had a bleed at 13 weeks but it was just a wee bit of the placeta came off..
:hug: Glad you are ok.

Hopefully it's something really simple and you can stop worrying :)

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Oh Moofa sorry you had a scare! I'm pleased LO seems fine and i hope you get no more scary blood!! I hate it when you don't get clear answers to why things happen its so frustrating isn't it!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

Take Care

oh no!! glad things seem ok. take it easy chick. xxxxx :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Sorry to hear you had a scare, good news that baby is fine.

Take care :hug: :hug: :hug:

Alex xxx
That must have been really worrying :hug: :hug:

Glad everything seems to be ok.

A friend at work had a similar thing when she was about 28 weeks, they said it was a ruptured cervix and was causing a small bleed every now and then. She went full term without any further complaints. Hope this happens for you Moofa.
:shock: :shock: What a shock for you Moofa :shock:

Glad everything is OK though :hug:

Thanks, think everything is ok, no more blood when I wipe. Sore though from the internal and no sex for 2 weeks! Eeek

:hug: :hug: :hug:

HI Moofa,

Sorry to hear about your scare and really really glad that everything seems to be ok. Could it be a water infection or something like that? All the very best with getting the test results, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about.

Sorry you've had a scare, hope test results are ok. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, just take it easy :hug:
Oh Moof, that must have been really scary for you, i am glad everything is OK now (and fingers crossed it will stay that way).


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