just back from first ante natal appointment with consultant


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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just got back from my appointment with the consultant. very pleased to find her to be a female, was kinda worried bout it being a man!

had a lovely suprise, they scanned me again :D was soooooo made up as you can imagine, its amazing howmuch mini me has grown, you can see her lil spine and her placenta and umbical chord.

i was sooo proud as you can imagine

im gonna eb a mummy, seems so much more real everytime i see her on the screen, and yes it is a her, :D if not sharp scissors ;) hahaha
My consultant was a man! :shock: Why didnt i get a woman :?
Glad eveything went ok :D :D
Did you get a pic?
Glad all went well, I hope your next scan comes around quickly I want to know if you are having a little girl :D
You got a consultant????! Well done you! :D

The lovely area lottery again - I want a consultant! :?
I've only to go see my consultant if there is anything majorly wrong so my midwife told me as he is usually too busy for routine checks and stuff!
yea i only had to see one because she was a bit worried about my weight but i have put on 1/2 a stone so i dont have to see him again (thank god he was crap!) :evil:
I dont have a consultant either....sounds so posh I just have the midwife lol
im not spesh ;), its coz i was on antidepressants, and i have ptsd, they midwifes said i was "high" risk.

and unfortunatly no piccy :(
everyone has anamed consultant. Its just that not everyone meets them. Some times you only meet your consultant if there is a problem.
I have a consultant due to passing out thing. Mine is a man, my mum comes with me every time thinks he is cute, he is realy nice bit old for me though and dont think OH would improve! i think ill leave him for my mum. i have to go there every other week and the hospital every other week to that.
Mine was old and just plain old horrid.
Glad i dont have to go back to him..he wasnt nice at all :evil: :evil:
I have a consultant but thats because I am overweight and they want me to have glucose tolerance tests later on to make sure I don't get diabetes...... I am a size 22!

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