just a quick note..


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2008
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..to let all my TTC girlies that until Sunday night, possibly Monday night i won't be online.

tomorrow is my birthday and i'll be at work from 8:30am until 3:30pm, at 3:00pm a removal van is turning up to load all of my dad's stuff up and take it down ready to deliver to his new flat Saturday and at 6:00pm we have a table booked at TGI Friday's. Yay cocktails :D

i shall be up at 5:00/5:30am Saturday morning to be ready to leave at 6:30am for a 9:00am ferry crossing to get to my dad's new flat and will be un-packing and waiting for furniture deliveries all day Saturday basically.

Sunday we have a 11:00am ferry crossing (i think) so won't be back to mine until about 3:00pm depending on traffic etc. i then have to wash work clothes.. tidy the house to it resembles some sort of living quarters as at the moment it is a complete state with boxes everywhere and packed up furniture, 3 piece suit etc. etc.

eugh and then i will also need to sleep!
so either Sunday night, or Monday night depending on how tired i am.

i'll still be temping Friday, Sunday, Monday etc. and carry on like normal but not Saturday as i'll be getting up 2hours earlier than i usually temp, at least, and i'll have been drinking Friday night so it might not be as accurate as it should be anyway.

so yeah :D
now commences the worst 18th bithday weekend i could have ever of asked for!
shall be lurking around here for a bit longer then i'll be off.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: for everyone who's needing them over the next few days.
if anyone wants my mobile number then just PM me and feel free to text over the weekend.

Well have a great birthday, well best you can and have fun moving your dad, bless ya. But Do enjoy those cocktails :hug:
:cheer: :hug:
Happy bday hols for the weekend.

You enjoy your Cocktails.

Have fun helping your dad, im sure you will! :D

me xx
Hope you have a good birthday evening!

All the best! xx
Have a fab 18th birthday Holly......
Enjoy your crazzzy mad weekend...lol!!! :rotfl:
Hopefully you'll get some :sleep: on Sunday once you have cleaned the house that is :shock:
All the Best
Have a happy birthday - enjoy the cocktails! :dance:

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