Just a question ad I'm starting to worry


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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I know I shudnt worry but I go for another scan on Monday coming and they sed that if baby has grown much they'll talk to me about delivering baby early as u all no Amy had probs when she was born and we won't know for sure that this baby has the nose problems till it's born. There talking that if baby growth is slowed that I'll possibly be induced around 35.6 weeks or 36 or 37 weeks

Would baby have to stay in hospital and how long? If all being well?

I don't think I'd be able to cope with her in hospital as amys family work ie dad and nana, and her granda lives to far and don't fancy being away from her for to long coz she can't cope being with anyone else plus I can't afford childcare for her and I don't trust his sister with Amy either I'm also partly worried that she might have what Amy had I wasn't well for 4 weeks too I had food poison then I had the flu and a chest infection but didn't get prescribed anything for it it has gone now plus meadowlands of her being small wasn't accurate due to her head being quite far down in to the pelvis :s too

sorry not much help as dont know what probs amy had but im thinking not sure but id imagine id ur baby was delivered and an ok weight and no problems ud be allowed home.. hope all goes well for u xx
hi hun just wanted to reasure you a little just because 1 has something doesnt mean teh other will out of my 4 kids there is only my d.s with disabilities
they will only deliver if she isnt growing enough babies come in all different sizes too so just because some measurements are small doesnt mean she is not growing did you have a 28 week scan maybe we could compare sizes
20 wk scan measurements

HC =179MM


they said my baby is growing withing the guidelines she will proberly have shorter legs though like my d.s as my dh isnt tall

also thought id add my tallest baby was my eldest at 55cm but my smallest was 48cm so thats 7cm difference even from the same person they all grow different xx
Yeah I had a 28 week scan at 28 weeks 5 days

My 20 week scan

Fl 37.0 mm
Hc 175.0mm
Ac 164.0mm


Fl 56.5mm
Hc 262.0mm
Ac 254.0mm


Fl 60.0mm
Hc 276.0mm apparently 2sd below mean approximate HC measurement due to feral position
Ac 289.0 mm
see so if we compare our 28 week scans that are only 3 days difference your baby is bigger than mine and they have said she is measuring fine

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