Just a little rant!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2008
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I am so tired lately and my shoulders and back are absolutely killing me is there anything I can take or do for this.

Aswell I am worried because tiny hasnt moved much for the last 2 days, the 2 before he/she wouldnt stop moving and now nothing! I am so worried because I just worry anyway!

Any advise girls

((hugs)) Could it not be your posture if you're all tense hon? The only pain kilelrs i've taken are paracetamol. I think if you feel you need something else you might be best speaking to doc or mid wife.

I'm honestly not sure about baby movement though. Don't they have spurts of wriggling then periods of quiet? Maybe the little one is just wriggling when you're asleep?
I'm feeling tired too today and have had a couple of days when baby didn't move as much as usual but I think thats normal. If ur really worried talk to ur midwife :hug:
yeah, it happens to me as well. some days i forget i'm pregnant as baby doesnt move at all and other days (like today) baby is non stop!!!! i think is normal.

i would not take anything apart from paracetamos without checking with doctor. it's better to be on the safe side!!!
Hi ya,

Regarding the baby not moving much, I had a worry about this last week as for weeks and weeks little un had been moving more or less all day and then went quieter for a couple of days. Spoke to MW who said perfectly normal and it depends on posotion of baby and she said you don't always feel every movement, especially if your busy and not sitting and relaxing!!

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