just a little note :)


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2011
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Hi Ladies

just wanted to let everyone know ive been going to aquanatal and im really enjoying it.

My friend lost her baby a couple of months ago and it sounds selfish but i didnt realise until about 3weeks ago i have no one close to me who is pregnant or anyone i can talk to about being pregnant.

I guess im just thankful that i found this forum and im finding aquanatal great as all the other mummys to be are so lovely and chatty.

So i just wanted to say thanks xx
We don't have a class round here, infact no maternity fitness classes which is quite a shame as I enjoyed them when I was pregnant with my daughter and chatting with other pregnant mummies.
aww that is a shame, we have a school that runs the aquanatal, and a gym that runs a class also, but the gym is on a morning and ill be working most of my pregnancy so i go to the school pool which is 6-7.

I know there is a yoga class in my area but its the same day and time as the aquanatal and im really enjoying this one.

Think there are some mum and baby fitness classes though so might go to those!
Glad your enjoying it hunny, i did it with my little man and started as soon as i could with this one, would recommend it to anyone :) x x

Wish we had things like this round here.

Hmmmmmm perhaps a petition to my local family centre, they tend to put classes on if there is public support (too late for pickle, but may be of some use in the future)

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