jumperoo v.s. door bouncers...

Suzie and Faith

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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Any idea which is best? Which is most interesting for baby? Which will be used for longer?

Faith loves bouncing around but we're not sure whether to get a door thingy or a jumperoo style one. We seem to have only one suitable doorway...

does anyone have either/both and recommend it? or not?
i've got both :D :D

connor gets bored of things after 5 minutes so i need lots of different things to entertain him whilst i wash up, go to the loo etc.

they're both great tbh... i wouldn't be without either...
I had a door bouncer but DD just kind of hung there - she wasn't keen.

I didn't have a jumperoo and I'm really glad. Its a lot of money in my opinion for something they are in such a short amount of time, then I worry about storage afterwards as its HUGE. I also think they are big and plasticy and noisy and not nice to have in your living room!

Valentine Xxx
We looked at a door bouncer as Galen loves being on his feet but tbh the door we wanted to use it from isn't suitable.

My parents got LO this activity station

Its for 4-24 months so hopefully will see some use. Early Chrissie pressie from them. Amazon UK has it for £63 atm. Cheaper than a Jumperoo also.

As he loves to be upright and doing things we are hoping this will do the trick and give my arms a break and also so that one of us don't have to sit supporting him the whole time (he sits between our legs usually and we only support him a tiny bit). Its English accent, has music and sounds which he loves and things he can bash. Also the panel comes away so you can use it on its own iirc. Flat packs easily also I am told by my mother.

We looked at a Jumperoo but tbh felt that as he is so close to crawling already (he can go backwards a bit now :shock: ) there wasn't much point. Also its rather large with the frame and we don't have masses of room.
we got a door bouncer then relised that our door facings were different sizes and it wouldn't fit :wall:

ended up taking it back and getting the jumperoo and tbh honest I'm glad we did. She absolutely loves bouncing in it and when she get's tired she'll just stand there playing with the toy's until she get's more energy to bounce again :lol:

It is a bit big and expensive and I was sceptical but I'm so glad we got one. Also they have good resale value on ebay if you want to sell it on afterwards.
We have both... Phoebe likes both, but she LOVES her jumperoo. She's in it at the mo, second time today. She stays in it for up to 40 mins now bouncing away :D

It is big, and our flat is pretty small, but I'm so glad we bought it! We got a 20% code for mothercare so it was only £64.

It took a little while for her to work out she could bounce, but she also loves all the toys round it too.

In the door bouncer she more dances on her feet and spins round. Asda have them for £15 at the mo while the baby event is on.

If you are interested in a jumperoo, maybe take her into mothercare and try one out :)
we have both, but to be honest, the door bouncer is so fiddly and awkward, it just took too long to fit the baby into and take out of. plus, it got in the way so much.

we've hardly used it for Oliver as we bought the jumperoo instead :D
I had a door bouncer for James, he did like it but it didn't get much use cos it was hard getting him in and out (especially on my own) and it was annoying having to fix and unfix it to the door frame.
I had a graco entertainer as well which James loved and was well worth the money (£80, but sold it on almost a year later for £50! :dance: )

We've got a jumperoo for Logan and he loves it, its cross between the graco entertainer and the doorbouncer. Logan has been in there for about an hour before :oops: He would probably stay longer if I let him too, it's great when I have to get on and do something. Not bothering with a door bouncer this time.
we have both and i would reccomend the jumperoo over the door bouncer as it's more entertaining and much easier to put your Lo in.
We have the jumperoo and think it's great. It does take up a bit of space, but would say it's the best value for money item we've bought for LO as she absolutely loves it :D
JUMPEROOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Chester loves his so much, its in his bedroom so if I need to nip to the loo, get dressed make beds etc he'll happily jump around for 30mins plus! ?He was in it from a young age about 3 months and its well worth it.
Door bouncers don't work for us as our doors are too high (we live in a Victorian place) and she just ends up flying through the air. I wanted a jumperoo baaaaadly but couldn't justify the £70 odd quid. Saw one at a car boot, boxed and all, spotless. Cost me £13. Love it!

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