Judgement day is upon me UPDATE 1


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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Off to the midwifes in about 20 mins, we are hoping baby has turned if not its off to have a scan to check position then discuss my options. Has anyone had the manual turning? if so did it work? Bit nervous now as i'm not sure what i want to do :|
ooo.. Good luck!! Cant help with the turning but let us know what happens!

Claire x
good luck and :pray: baby has turned for you.
This baby seems to like being transverse, it has been since my 9 week scan with only 1-2 days when he/she was breech (was transverse on friday scan the breech on monday scan)
she said exactly the same as last time, she is unsure so i am off for a scan today between 4 and half past.

I also have higher blood pressure so i am going back to see her next monday.
Good luck Em, update us when you get back!!

Claire x
good luck emmie hun, I hope the scan gives you some good results!! :D
Good luck sweety lets :pray: baby moves for you!!
in my experience, its AWFULL when they attempt to turn baby manually, id hate anyone to have to go through that like i did!
They make you lay down flat on your back then poke, prod and yank your stomach around - mine was still uncussesful and made me sick :( BUT they do say sometimes if baby is willing and not as stubborn as my little monkey they will turn easily :) i wasnt so lucky that day, but DD still moved on her own accord JUST before my due date when she was ready so you still have time hun big :hug: sxx

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