Joseph Hamilton makes his entrance....


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
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Firstly, can give a big thanks to Dionne for Posting that Joe had arrived. :hug:

Sorry it’s taken me so long but I only got out of hospital yesterday afternoon :shock: . I typed it out last night and then deleted it at the last sentence so im doing this in word then copying it over.

Well, here goes.
On Friday night Stuart and I went out for dinner. I drove then we came home. At about 1am I woke realising I was having pains that were a bit more uncomfy than usual. As the post from that night showed, my contractions started coming about every 8 mins.
I phoned the hospital and they said to get my stuff together and come in when I was ready. As I was having a section they wanted me in even though the contractions weren’t too bad. Got to the hospital at about 4.30 and they done their checks and I went for a section and Joseph was delivered at roughly 7.45am weighing 8lb 3oz. They held him up over the screen so we could see what sex he was.

Afterwards I went to recovery then up to the ward where I was till yesterday. My scar hasn’t healed at all well and Ive came home with a gory superficial wound which needs a dressing and treated by the midwife everyday. Ive got my stitches out and the wound isn’t the length of the scar, about 2 inches and its only the skin, its not through and nothing will fall out but Im worried it might get infected and that would mean I would have to go back into hospital which would mean leaving Jess and Stuart again. I don’t regret having the section though.

Its really great being a mummy for the second time round. He is great and all he does is sleep. He is only up once a night and at the moment is being bottle fed but I started off bf changed to bottle as I felt really ill and now im home, feeling better and more confident im regretting it but my midwife has been great and has suggested things without being pushy.

So that’s it really. I’m over the moon but a bit dizzy so if I’ve missed anything out let me know.

Sorry Hayley for nipping in front by a day :D
awww hun hope ur tummy does heal
welcome to the world joseph
he couldnt wait to meet his mummy
aaw congratulations laura! :dance:
welcome to the world joseph :wave:

you take care :hug: :hug:
Congrats Laura, and welcome to the world little Joseph! :cheer: :hug:
Congratulations and welcome to the world Joe.

Hope your wound heals soon.

Take care :D
lauramum01 said:
Firstly, can give a big thanks to Dionne for Posting that Joe had arrived. :hug:


:D it was a pleasure :)
so glad you are all ok and joseph had a safe arival :angel:

do we get to see pics :dance:
Congratulations on the safe arrival of little Joseph. Hope you are feeling better and are back on your feet very soon :D
hope ur tumy feels better soon,

congrats on ur lil joseph xx
congratulations hunny :hug:

cant wait to see your lovely pics soon

take care
x :hug: x :hug: xx :hug: xx :hug: x
thanks everyone :D , i will try and post piccies in the next couple of days. Its so busy just now with people coming in and out. Loving it though. Both kids are asleep so im going for one too :shhh:
Ah brilliant news, welcome little one, hope your scar heals ok now

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