Jodie Sleeps from 5pm - 7am im going nuts


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2006
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Jodie sleeps from 5pm-7am and i have to start the bedtime routine from 3 oclock. i cant get anything done as i have to be home so early. i know most would say im so lucky but. She hasnt seen her grandad since christmas as when he comes after tea shes asleep. I have discussed this with her peadiatrician he said its normal just enjoy it. i feel like shes not even their somedays i want her up for a cuddle and a play. if i was working again i would never see her. Has anyone else got this problem.
how come you have to start the routine for bed at 3? couldnt you work it round so that she goes to bed later? easier said than done i know alfie also goes down at 5.30, but we start his bedtime routine at 5 ... couldnt you condense it down?
i agree with alfiesmum. condense it down to just throwing her into her cot or something :rotfl: starting at 4.55
I had this with Jack except he never slept 'til 7, you lucky thing

Try giving dinner and tea a bit later, then bath a bit later, just by 15-30mins a day until it is at a reasonable time for you

Have now got Jack to go at 7

good luck
i know how you feel! jack decided that 4pm was bedtime a while back but i just kept him up for another 5 mins every night and now i start his bedtime routine at 6:30 and hes in bed by 7:15. perfect timne i think because i dont have to rush home but still have some spare time in the evening! it is hard tho, just give it time..
Leorah's bedtime was getting earlier and earlier and I had visions of her going to bed at 4pm and getting up at 4am so I have been pushing her bedtime as the clocks will be going back soon. She is now going between 7and 8pm and waking whenever we get up so 6am in the week and 7/8ish at the weekend. What I found helped is not feeding her as soon as we wake in the morning and encouraging her to take a longer afternoon nap so that she can manage to stay up a bit later.
i dont let bed time routines take over.
Ewan has a routine but it is flexible, we go to my mums one or twice every week and i go out, i get home at 10pm usually, Ewans bed time is 7.30 but the once or twice a week it is 10pm he is fine it doesn't bother him or change his routine.

i couldnt cope with having to be home by a certain time so he could go to bed, and it has been like this from the start, and has thus become very flexible.

wish ewan would sleep 5-7!!
We have a break through. Jodie went to bed at 6 oclock last night. and she slept untill 8.30. I am so happy it should be 7 tonight with the change of the clocks wooooohooooo. Thanx for your replies ladies.

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