
Hi Manda!! Oh you remembered, thanks :) I was actually planning to post tonight! Everything went really well!!!! We saw the baby and the heartrate was 164! Everything looks good and we're so happy and relieved at the same time :dance:

How are you and how have things been going with your scans?
Oh, another thing...I've been pushed back 3 days so I'm 12 weeks today!
glad all went well hun
all's gone great with my scans to but i got put back a WEEK!!! so more waiting for 2nd tri lol
manda xx
manda224 said:
glad all went well hun
all's gone great with my scans to but i got put back a WEEK!!! so more waiting for 2nd tri lol
manda xx

Only three days to go Mand.......come on I'm keeping you a seat warm and I need someone I can panic at, you are always so sweet.
lol im hoping it will fly by the only problem is i move tomorrow night pc will be dismanted sat morning lol and dont no if there is virgin in the other place so if not
omg i may not get on here for weeks
sorry for shouting just thought i ort to lol
manda xx
hope your move went well Manda :) ...and being put back one week isn't too bad...well, ok, it kinda sucks but what can you do? As long as there's a healthy little bean in there - I'm not too far behind, although I was closer before my scan - still having the constant nausea and can't wait for it to go! My mom had exactly the same thing and she felt better by 4 months...I'm hoping for the same!
aww i hope you feel less sick soon its not nice is it i only had it for a few weeks but that run me down enough
manda xx
glad all went well hun
all's gone great with my scans to but i got put back a WEEK!!! so more waiting for 2nd tri lol
manda xx
manda224 said:
glad all went well hun
all's gone great with my scans to but i got put back a WEEK!!! so more waiting for 2nd tri lol
manda xx

Only three days to go Mand.......come on I'm keeping you a seat warm and I need someone I can panic at, you are always so sweet.
lol im hoping it will fly by the only problem is i move tomorrow night pc will be dismanted sat morning lol and dont no if there is virgin in the other place so if not
omg i may not get on here for weeks
sorry for shouting just thought i ort to lol
manda xx
hope your move went well Manda :) ...and being put back one week isn't too bad...well, ok, it kinda sucks but what can you do? As long as there's a healthy little bean in there - I'm not too far behind, although I was closer before my scan - still having the constant nausea and can't wait for it to go! My mom had exactly the same thing and she felt better by 4 months...I'm hoping for the same!
aww i hope you feel less sick soon its not nice is it i only had it for a few weeks but that run me down enough
manda xx
If you do lose your connection at home you can use the internet in your local library for free to stay in touch in the meantime :D
ooo yes i dint even think of that :doh:
there is a libray just up the road so thats great will hog a pc all day :D
manda xx

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