Jermey Kyle!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2006
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Is anyone watchin this....Its about paedophiles(sp)

The bloke is sick :twisted: he sexually abused he's 6 year old daughter :twisted:
He wants people to leave him alone so he can on with he's life!!!!!!

He's wife's just as bad... she had a daughter and social services said she had to pick her daughter or her husband and she picked her husband :shock:

They are now havin there own baby
I've only just turned it over so I don't really know what its about, as all I saw was Jeremy Kyle going mad then adverts. What a sick b*stard :twisted:
Its horrible the should have got longer than 3 years in prison :shock:

And also i think they should have given him the snip so he couldn't have more kids... people like that don't deserve to live let alone has kids :x :x
He raped his 6 year old daughter, OMG, he should be killed. :x
This is turning my stomach :puke:

What a sick *******!!! And his wife...I can't beleive she chose THAT over her own child!!!!

This is the one that was in The Sun (or news of the world) newspaper the other week isn't it? That they wanted not to be shown.
skairdykat said:
This is turning my stomach :puke:

What a sick b*****d!!! And his wife...I can't beleive she chose THAT over her own child!!!!

I missed that bit- why what happened? She stayed with him after she found out?

Theys houldn't protect him behinfd that screen, they should show his face so everytime he goes out he gets the sh*t kicked out of him.

How can he say woe is me, stop victimising me, after what he's done to his own flesh and blood, and innocent child. How TF can he feel sorry for himself?!!!
i cant believe theres some sick people in the world isnt there,

ewwnesss, i hate them,

people should have the right to known if the peodophiles are about where people live.

Jemermy Kyle, has guts and strong stomach cos i would never be able to sit there and be so quiet and stuff,
its sick i would be swearing at them
Im watching this too. I dont know why I watch it it makes me soo angry!
His wife is just as bad as he is.Why are they protecting his identity??
Its ridiculous!!

frangelle said:
skairdykat said:
This is turning my stomach :puke:

What a sick b*****d!!! And his wife...I can't beleive she chose THAT over her own child!!!!

I missed that bit- why what happened? She stayed with him after she found out?

Theys houldn't protect him behinfd that screen, they should show his face so everytime he goes out he gets the sh*t kicked out of him.

How can he say woe is me, stop victimising me, after what he's done to his own flesh and blood, and innocent child. How TF can he feel sorry for himself?!!!

They met after he'd got out of prison. He told her everything he had done and Social Services gave ger the choice to either end it with him & keep her daughter or stay with him and lose her. She chose him!!
nic & keeley said:
Is anyone watchin this....Its about paedophiles(sp)

The bloke is sick :twisted: he sexually abused he's 6 year old daughter :twisted:
He wants people to leave him alone so he can on with he's life!!!!!!

He's wife's just as bad... she had a daughter and social services said she had to pick her daughter or her husband and she picked her husband :shock:

They are now havin there own baby

oooo ill have to watch it this afternoon on ITV 2
That poor bloke in the audience sobbing his little heart out :cry:
I think thats discusting that he feels that he should be left alone! sick *******. in my eyes he gave up any of his human rights when he violated those of his innocent 6 year old daughter.
i feel sick :evil: :evil:

the womn is as bad for choosing him over her child :evil:
I missed it this morning. I'll watch it later on ITV2
i saw it it made me soooooooooooo mad, making himself out to be the victim... 'but ive been on courses'

that woman in the audience... so you have a GNVQ in how not to be a peado
this turned my stomache how can any normal human being want to do things like that to any child its unnatural!! and how can his so caled wife chose something like that over her children :evil:
"ive been on courses" whats that got 2 do with anything your still a sick person who doesnt deserve the right to live nevermind be left alone and fit in 2 society!!!!
x sophie x

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