Jeez... Give me a break


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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So my first day of mat leave and I'm narked already.

Doctors have called and I have to have more blood tests :( getting sick of this now. I seem to be having them for fun?

Hubby has used all the milk so I can't have a cup of tea and he has left the spare room in a mess so ill have to tidy it again.

And to top it all off, I come down stairs to put some washing in and this greets me on the utility room window.

Ffs. I only cleaned them yesterday!!!! Grrrr


  • ImageUploadedByTapatalk1331546853.363820.jpg
    128.2 KB · Views: 30
i know how it feels to be a pin cushion!! at one point i was being phoned every other day from the hospital because my blood was showing all sorts of problems its sooo no fun is it.

ohh bloody birds! hunt it down n poo on its nest see how he likes it lol

big hugs xxxxxxx
Lol what was it a pterodactyl?????

Hope the bloods go ok xxxxxxxx
I don't know what it was, bloody birds!! If there is any shit on the car when I go out I'm getting myself a catapult. Lol.

The bloods are for ferritin now, not even sure what that is but I think it's something to do with iron? I've had so many tests lately and there is never anything wrong? It's all a bit weird, better safe than sorry though I guess. I only get annoyed because sometimes they can't get blood from me and after pricking me in both arms they take it from my hand which isn't very nice.

I'm going out now to buy mini eggs to cheer myself up
Ferritin is a specific part of your iron levels, you get ferritin, vitamin b12 and something else, they test all these levels seperatley to find out why your levels are low usually. I ended up having the rarest b12 deficiency and have been on iron tablets throughout pregnancy (3 a day makes for very black poo !TMI!)

I started crying when i had constant tests coz i felt useless and told my mum "my body was broken" she thought it was hilarious but i continues sobbing, and had a mini-melt down in the same day because there was no Orange Juice to take my tablets with left in the house! Weirdo!

----Those damn birds crapping on ur window after all ur hard work yday! im so gutted for you. whenver i put the car through the wash, the next morning they seem to have perched above my car all night. Stupid animals!!!

Hugs for Tor!! xx :hugs:
Ferritin is a specific part of your iron levels, you get ferritin, vitamin b12 and something else, they test all these levels seperatley to find out why your levels are low usually. I ended up having the rarest b12 deficiency and have been on iron tablets throughout pregnancy (3 a day makes for very black poo !TMI!)

I started crying when i had constant tests coz i felt useless and told my mum "my body was broken" she thought it was hilarious but i continues sobbing, and had a mini-melt down in the same day because there was no Orange Juice to take my tablets with left in the house! Weirdo!

----Those damn birds crapping on ur window after all ur hard work yday! im so gutted for you. whenver i put the car through the wash, the next morning they seem to have perched above my car all night. Stupid animals!!!

Hugs for Tor!! xx :hugs:

Ah! Thanks for this hun. They are always really shady when I ask then what they are testing me for, they just say anaemia most of the time. The last lot I had done were b12 and folate and they have resulted in this next test.

The midwife said my HB levels were fine at 11.6 though and she didn't know why they were looking into other things.

I wouldn't care but the next appointment they had to do it is for literally days before due date!

If I find shit on my car I am going to have a breakdown lol seriously. Haha
he midwife said my HB levels were fine at 11.6 though and she didn't know why they were looking into other things.

I wouldn't care but the next appointment they had to do it is for literally days before due date!

If I find shit on my car I am going to have a breakdown lol seriously. Haha

11.6 isn't usually classed as low, 11 in the acceptable level. Mine was only 8 and has creeped up to 9.4 which they see as a good thing and I'm now back to Low Risk pregnancy where i was High Risk before, so thats a bit strange, are these people vampires taking ur blood for pleasure?? Grrr

And i don't see how it will help taking another test before ur due date, its not rly guna help or change before ur DD, what miracles can they perform in a few days if they do find something? *rolls eyes*
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Sorry tri-hopping, wanted to share my pic after talk of bird poop. I was a specific target no other car got hit, what did I do to deserve this? X


  • ImageUploadedByTapatalk1331555620.003149.jpg
    27.3 KB · Views: 11
Omg!!! Were you under a lamppost or something?

I'm gonna buy a gun!!!


  • ImageUploadedByTapatalk1331563271.709352.jpg
    161.7 KB · Views: 5
I counted 8 on my roof!!......... What's the deal?!!?!?!?... I know we're supposed to be 'nesting' but these creatures are taking the biscuit!!!

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