Jail for parents of truanting kids?

Man, that's a tough one. Personally I think it depends on the age of the child, 'cause at a certain point the kid has to take responsibility for their truancy. Whatever happened to expulsions??? If he/she doesn't want to go, kick them out! NOW try and find a job.
I put no as Im thinkin that some kids dont care what happens to their parents cos theyre 'ruinin' their lives so them bunkin off is like a hol to them

I think that bunkin off repeatedly and jus takin the piss calls for extreme action, like expel em and make them get a job, no benefits til ur workin etc but thatl never happen cos of human rights shizz :roll:
I used to play truant all the time :oops: At the time I 'hated' y parents and TBH if I thought I would get them into trouble I probably would have done it more. :oops: :oops:

It was just a year long phase at about 14/15 and I would be ashamed now if my mum had a record for my bad behaviour but at the time I wouldn't have cared.
While I don't agree with jail sentences I think something needs to be done about getting kids into school. While truancy is slightly different there is a huge problem with absences in general.

I had a child in my class last year who was down to something less than 50% attendance and within the policies and guidelines of our local authority there was little we could do except keep contacting home and reporting it to the powers that be (social work etc) so they in turn could do nothing about it. I'm not going to go into the reasons given as to why he was off all the time on here but suffice to say it was nothing more than an excuse.
tough one - my initial thought is that our prisons are crowded enough and the courts are already giving out crap sentences for serious crimes so this seems very disproportionate. But there are some parents are going to have to start taking responsibility for their kids, if they won't take responsibility who will?? Prison doesn't sit right with me, I can't think of an alternative.
What about cutting Child benefit or tax credits :think:
Urchin said:
What about cutting Child benefit or tax credits :think:

a possibility but then you are getting into the murky territory of this impacting on poor families more, and they are pretty vulnerable as it is.
Urchin said:
What about cutting Child benefit or tax credits :think:

a possibility but then you are getting into the murky territory of this impacting on poor families more, and they are pretty vulnerable as it is.
I dont think jail either!
Its a hard one as you get some kids who truant and their parents dont give a crap then some who truant and their parents are trying everything they can think of!
I wagged school quite a few times and I loved my mum lots! I knew she could get a fine yet still did it! I was 15! I think at that age your still too immature and selfish generally to care that much! I would have been gutted for my mum if she would have gotten a fine seeing as we just had enough money to make it through each week but I still did it! I wasn't totally bad, just thought I could do what I wanted! My mum grounded me, stopped me doing things, all sorts but I thought I knew best! (dumb child hehehe)

Obviously if my mum didnt care and let me stay off school while supplying me with cigs and beer (possibly drugs) etc then the parents need work too obviously!

Maybe tagging the child! If I couldnt go out as in I would be in trouble with the police, took to YOI then I would have behaved more!
Wont work with all but might with some?! :think:
Cutting benefits will be no good as they have to have money to survive but maybe community service for parents who do not try hard enough.
I feel sorry for the parents who try there best to bring up there kids the right way
and the kid gets in with the wrong crowed and follows there footsteps and becomes out of control.
I know a lady who trys her best and she has no control over her son. he got in with the wrong
crowed and he is in and out of jail her other son is nothing like him.

Its a shame the parents are to be punished because they send them to school and they bunk off
the parents our at work and know nothing about it then when there told they shout scream and
keep them in and it still does not help.

I think they should put the kids in jail lol build a place for the kids to go if they dont go to
school and send them there and make it like prison no own clothers no visits and no fancy food
no games no comfy bed and no TV. They will soon go to school if they know they will go there.

Maybe problem school could have a drop off service where they meet you at the school gates and then supervise the kids till they go into school. :think:
i think its shared responsibility between school,parents,child and the LEA.

the LEA and government put so much pressure on schools to produce good league tables etc that thats what a lot of time is spent on and other things suffer.because schools dont want it to seem like their school has 'problems' be it with truancy or discipline then a lot of stuff goes unreported or unpunished.schools very rarely seem to hand out discipline nowadays i feel sorry for the teachers whos hands are often tied.my daughters school is a pain in the ass.shes in year 3 and the same kids in her class have been the main trouble causers for the whole school since foundation stage (age 3!)its the same kids!the school wont expel them because it doesnt look good,they get 'punishment' but dont care and half the time the parents just laugh.in her school its the same with truants.some kids seem to miss weeks of school over a year and nothing ever happens but my daughter missed 1 day the other week and i got 2 phone calls!sorry im ranting now :oops:

erm no i dont think jails the answer but i would cut the tax credits or family allowance cos hitting parents in the pocket is the only way to make em pay attention.for children in senior school who are old enough to know better if they persist on being truant id make em do community work.
I don't think jail is the answer!! What happens to the kids whilst their parents are in jail - surely it'll mess them up even more and make the situation worse!

My parents did their best with my bro and took him to the school gate every morning but he just waited until they left and walked out again, and in the end was excluded. The school didn't seem to do much though - the school I went to was much stricter - I'm not saying there weren't any skivers but the deputy heads used to man the gates and patrol the park next door at break and lunch time - they were pretty scary and most kids had respect for them. I think the schools should do much more, and work closer with parents when there is a problem.
I think it depends on the situation, if a parent doesnt care if their child goes to school or not then something should be done i think, maybe threaten to take the child into tempery(sp? brain freeze lol) foster care until the parents give a damn. But if the parents are trying to get their children to school its like if you walk your child into the school gates and then leave, its not really the parents fault if the child walks out of school, or misses a class, i think in cases like that it should be the schools problem, they should be responsible for the children once through the gates.

Maybe they should think of fining parents who leave their kids truant? or do they already do that?
Round up the wee doggers and get them doing some community service like weeding parks and picking up litter.

Pointless jailing the parents I think.

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