jade goody in news of the world.

I've never been a fan, but I do think she's handling this with such dignity.

:pray: for her and those little boys.
I dont see why shes been hiding the fact shes got no hair, she look beautiful :hug: poor woman
those commenst at the bottom - how heartless are some people. They must have absolutley nothing positive in their life to gain satisfaction from someone else's suffering. And those that are going through the same thing, I would have thought they might have had a bit more empathy too. Honestly people never fail to amaze me with how horrible they can be.

Losing your hair must be so hard - and not just for women either. It took my dad so much courage to go out after he lost his hair and I remember my mum being devastated when she started tolose someof hers. I despise this disease - I hope Jade continues to stick 2 fingers up at it, and beats it.
Poor Jade I feel so sorry for her and her boys - It's heartbreaking. As for those comments - I think some people think it's a big joke........I don't I think she will die :( x

Kim x x x x x
It was a very dignified interview.I still dont get why the tv people told her in the diary room that she had cancer though?? Surely that breached patient/doctor confidentiality??

I hope she pulls through, prognosis isnt good though :(
It's heartbreaking. i just can't imagine knowing that I was most probably going to die and leave my kids behind. Never seeing them grow up.
It's makes me cry just thinking of it. i don't think I could hold myself together as well as jade is if I were in her situation.
She looks great with no hair too.
I have never really liked Jade Goody but reading that brought tears to my eyes, I wouldnt wish that on my worst enemy and I really feel for her, when you read something like that it kinda makes you realise how much you can take life and family for granted, when she first started doing interviews regarding her cancer etc... I thought it was terrible she was using her illness to make money but reading that article I understood why she does it, for her children and I do think if it was me i'd do exactly the same thing for my Son. It upsets me how she is going through this at 27, no one should but especially for a woman so young.

Sorry kinda went on a bit
:( no one deserves this. she seems very brave and dignified, I must admit I have a new found respect for her. I really hope she pulls through, for her and her boys.

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