Hopsital Scandal!!! :-(

omg i so wasn't expecting that to say Warrington hospital!!
a friend of mine actually went to fazakerly hospital (or liverpool womens, i can't remember) when her waters broke.
I'd like to do that too really as i'm not a fan of warrington general but the liverpool hospitals are so far away really, especially in traffic.
Where would be a viable alternative? Thats put me off more than i was already not wanting to go there!
ormskirk hospital is my alternative as i dont wanna go to whiston

aaahhhh i dunno where or what help!

was you planning on going to warrington jaded??? I have not had the best experience always there so far either

heads buzzin now xxx
I only live about 2 miles from warrington hospital, so its my nearest.
I found a site the other day that had a list of all the nearest hospitals and distances from me, and the facilities, but if i went into labour in rush hour cos we're almost town centre we'd be stuffed to get out to a different one.
I'm under the consultant at the moment and as far as I know he just does Warrington, who are you meant to talk about hospital choice with? i'm such a newb at all this.
I'm actually worried now cos most of my miscarriages have taken place at the hospital, and i'm being all paranoid about it.
I'll see if i can find that page in my history and post it so we can have a nosy! lol.
My midwife gave me the 3 nearest choices...
and because my oh lives there i thought that was best.

heated debate about it now!!! :cry:

i just dont trust it. im 24 and ive been spoken to like a 10 yr old amongst other things already xx
I was talking to a friend the other day who's had two babies there and she's about to have her 3rd and is at a different hospital now (she moved away) and she's saying she'd prefer to be back at warrington. so there are worse i guess.
I've found this.. http://www.nhs.uk/Scorecard/pages/MoreM ... 4&sctype=9
its not the same site i was looking at the other day though, it seems to have disappeared! :?
I've had a few bad experiences at warrington, but when i found out i was pregnant this time, i rang the consultants secretary directly and she arranged an appointment for me, when i got there i thought i was meant to be in early pregnancy so i went there and the secretary couldn't find my appointment and asked me how far i was so i said 4w6d and she looked at me like "wtf are you doing here" and said "thats really early" i was like duuh thats how early he wanted to see me lol.
I got sent to antenatal where the secretary there told me my appointment was the week after, with a lot of attitude, dispite me knowing that the appointment had been made for that day. She just dismissed me and i stood there like a spaz crying my eyes out.
I went outside and rang mr griffiths secretary directly and she was as shocked as me, she knw she'd made it for that day too, and she went out of her way to make sure i got seen that day. So she saved it for me, and when i came back out after my appointment she came over and said, next week i'll make sure its mr g that sees you. And he's seen me every week since, so even though the antenatal clinic secretary still terrifies me. (she has this real evil look lol) Mr G's secretary who was behind the scenes saved the day lol.
A couple of the gyne consultants i've seen over the years i've hated, but girls have said that they've been ace when going in labour and stuff, but i'm not quite convinced if they've been snotty with me once i'm not going to be asking for them! lol.
I've rambled on. Sorry, and thats no help really in the trying to decide on a good hospital. :oops:
We're now having a heated debate about it too.
Aparantly me wanting to go to Trafford is "a pain in the arse" :doh:
ive seen mr g too!!

was the nasty secretary in the early preg clinic??!! old looking

she is a spaz! x
Jaded Diamond said:
We're now having a heated debate about it too.
Aparantly me wanting to go to Trafford is "a pain in the arse" :doh:

Mummy Rich said:
ive seen mr g too!!

was the nasty secretary in the early preg clinic??!! old looking

she is a spaz! x

nah the one in epc was an asian lady.
the nasty one was in the antenatal, she's older. but theres also a funky hippie secretary on the antenatal too.
mr g makes me giggle, when he did my laperoscopy last year he had to warn me that they mightn't see anything cos of the size of my tummy, and he laughed and said that it might be hard hearing that from him lol.
mr g or ruth (i can't remember her surname) are my fave gyne type people i've seen, or another guy called daniel.
theres a couple of them that i just don't like though lol. will be gutted if i get stuck with them!!
trafford hospital out of the compare site would be my first choice really, private rooms, and en suites... instead of ward with the 2 shower rooms.
I'd recon that the boy will win and i'll end up at warrington "cos he was born there, and his dad.. blah blah blah" lol.
I would still go there. Yes, what happened was a major f**k up but it doesn't mean you will receive poor treatment.

I went to the womens and was treated like crap after I'd had the baby but know loads of people (including my sister) who have had similar births to me but really positive experiences.

I would most certainly not have my baby there!! I would probably look to going private if that was the only hospital in my local area..


What a horrible sounding hospital! :shakehead:
omg - i am seriously SHOCKED!
I worked in warrington hospital for 4 years on and off, and i NEVER saw ANYTHING like they said with that man on the hospital bed.

every single nurse, doctor, health care worker etc i worked with were great.

i've even been in that mortuary as well. i guess they didnt have these babies on display or anything, but it looked fine.

i would have no problems giving birth there
omg I didnt expect it to say Warrington, I had Harry there 6 months ago and although they werent great I didnt find anything really wrong. I used the EPU as I had a bleed and they were great, there was a bit of a wait but thats to be expected in hospitals.

As for my overall care during pregnancy they were great, rushing me in when I needed checking for antibodies for chicken pox etc and also when I was worried about movements etc and they never made me feel silly.

As for when I was in labour they could of been more helpful when I was ringing up in pain and once I went in it did take a long time to be seen but it was very busy and they did give me my own room straight away. Once I had my midwife it was great she stayed with me the whole time.

I think you need to really consider going somewhere else as you could get stuck in traffic as mentioned and each hospital has different processes so you wont know anything about the other hospitals. I have friends who had babies at Whiston and preston around the same time as me and they both had horror stories from there. Also one of my friends chose to go chester instead of Warrington but ended up having a placenta abruption so ended up being rushed to Warrington and they were fantastic so she was glad she ended up at Warrington in the end.

You are only going to hear about the negatives not the thousands of positives so I would think really carefully. If you want to ask me anything just let me know :)
I have friends who had babies at Whiston and preston around the same time as me and they both had horror stories from there.

Preston was brilliant. I've been in there lots of times for various things, and my mum works there, never heard anything bad :)
That just proves my point exactly Star that everyone has such different experiences of each hospital but we only remember the negative ones :)
I have had my first 2 babies at Warrington and am under Mr Griffiths again for this one. Fortunately, I have never lost a baby there or anywhere else so I can't comment on their procedures when a LO is lost, but apart from a few things I wasn't happy about (such as ignoring my birth plan first time round to allow my husband to cut the cord, and second time telling my violent ex partner that I was on the labour ward when he rang ante natal - despite me having said he was to be told nothing, not even if I was there or not!) everything went as expected. One midwife was trying to get me to go home on the day I gave birth despite me being ill and having high BP, and was the same midwife who had sent me home a day earlier ignoring the blood test request Mr G had asked for to check for pre-eclampsia, also with me being ill and having high BP :shock:

Other than that, care was as I would expect :)
I'm glad you girls have posted the good experiences you've had there.
G & I have been talking about it alot today (mainly cos i'm back there tomorrow) and i'm paranoid about enough with this pregnancy without worrying about the hospital. So i'm just going to put my faith in the staff at the hospital, especially Mr G, as he truly has been a saviour for me, seeing me every week for the first couple of weeks and then letting me have a follow up scan tomorrow. I've got no reason to doubt him really. He promised he'd look after me and he is.
Unless I go into labour whilst in the trafford centre, which will be my back up plan lol :P

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