IVF update - day 40


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2011
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Hi Girlies

A little update like I promised.

Well, this morning off I trotted to the hospital for my first scan.

I am pleased to say everything was fine :) and I have been instructed to start the Gonal F injection each evening, continuing with my Buserellin at reduced dose of 1.5 in the mornings. That’s two injections a day through till next Monday 23rd May, I am now officially a walking-talking-human pin cushion!!

So, next Monday 23rd I come back from my dreaded business trip and straight into hospital for a second scan to check how many follicles I have produced. Fingers crossed all goes well and my body accepts the medication ok? Wish me many follicles:dance:

I did have a few complications this morning though. Firstly, the fertility department has moved into the hospital’s main building. This means that all ‘fertility challenged people’ are mixed in with the ‘maternity ward’. I had to wait in the same meeting room as other pregnant women. At one point one lady asked me how far I was and I just said “still trying I’m afraid”. I could have died. I will be making a complaint to the hospital when my procedure is done.:shakehead:

Secondly, my usual doctor wasn’t available today so I had to see the top doc (the doc who will be doing the actual procedure next week). She was so rude I could have cried. What with that pregnant lady’s comments and now this rude cow in front of me, it was awful. She had no, you could say, bedside manner at all but was glad to leave with good news. Ok she was rude but I’m told she is good at what she does, so I kept my mouth shut!!

I will update on Thursday and let you know how the drugs are making me feel, hopefully they are kind to me. Still can’t shake the Buserellin headaches and my eyes feel slightly glazed at times. Today feeling a little nauseous but I can’t stop eating chocolate and fruit, especially berries and grapes.:eh:

All I can say is I am excited to be another step closer to getting my little miracle, hopefully??

Sorry I’ve rambled!! :whistle:

PS Bead hope you are doing ok? xx
Wow you are truly amazing! i have everything crossed for you hun. cant believe the hospital but its like you said its bringing you a step closer. cant wait for the update xxxxxxxxxxxx
Wow things seem to be going great, good luck for the next couple of weeks xxx
It will all be worth it Hun!

I wish you lots of little eggs..:egg::egg::egg::egg::egg::egg::egg::egg:

Hope the next couple of weeks fly by too.

Take care.

Thanks for the update Kerrie :)

How horrible for you to have to be stuck with pregnant ladies :(

When i went to the hospital once i walked past this horrible looking women all hunched over and giving out evil looks and i thought she looked way too sick to be walking around. It was only when i walked past the "Labour Ward" sign that i clicked :shock:

I wonder whose bright idea it was to group them both together jsut because one leads to the other...

Fingers crossed for plenty of healthy follicles when you come back :clover:
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Really glad it's going well kerrieanne!

How daft are hospital management sometimes!? I know how you feel... when I had my missed m/c, I had to go into the same department for medical management as ladies going in for abortions :-( I was asked twice (by nurses) while I was there if I was having an 'elective termination'. Just what you need at a time like that! Quite disgusting - definitely complain if I was you!

Now on a happier note... Wishing you LOTS of big juicy follicles! :) Seriously sending loads of good luck wishes your way, keep us posted! xxx
have just seen your post and though i havent spoken to you i dont think, i wanted to wish you all the luck in the world on your ivf journey!!!!!!!!!! also i agree with the whole merging thing with ladies with bumps is wrong not a nice experience for anyone..........that said i hope you get many folicles and lots of ripe and juicy eggs xx
Oh...its just really stupid of the hospital to do that! Make a complaint!

Will be thinking of you and wishing you a lot of follicles!! Got my fingers crossed for you!
Ooooh Good Luck and wishing you lots of follicles!!!

Thanks for your messages girlies xx

I've been on Gonal F once, before an IUI cycle using 1/2 the dosage and produced 12 follicles then!! Obviously, IUI was cancelled and they put me on Clomid but now that i am on full doses it should have good results.
Guess i will know by Monday?
Hi Kerrieanne,
How are you feeling now you've started the GonalF? Have the Buserelin side effects gone away at all?
I'm finding the side effects pretty hard this time... really grumpy and finding it hard to concentrate at work. But if the down-reg scan on Monday goes ok then I'll be starting GonalF on Thursday.
Best of luck for your scan on Monday!
Hi bead

Yes the buserelin symptoms have calmed down slightly especially since I've reduced the dose. I am still tired now and the headaches come and go. Mood swings come and go and when I start feeling heated I let those around me know so they can either shut up or back away ;)

It's been hard being on the medication on my business trip I get dizzy sometimes and need to take regular breaks. Drinking plenty of water has helped, I'm so thirsty.

Can't wait to go home on Monday and find out if gonal f is doing it's job.

Sorry u are feeling the symptoms a bit more this time. Let me know how you get on at the hospital xx
Nice of you to share your experiences with us! I can't wait untill Monday too....it feels like it's ages away! I got everything crossed for you both girls!


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