i've never had them


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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sorry i just saw a post for chicken pox's and i've never had them :?

is that bad?? my mum put me round kids who had them, when i was younger but i never got them...

is anyone the same as me?
sorry, ive had them and have the scars on my head to prove it :lol: .

i think its worse if adults catch it, but im not 100% sure? i can remember my nan getting them a few years back (they called them shingles though :think: ).
i had them so my mum put my lil sis in the same room as me so she would get them the same time lol!!!! :rotfl:
it worked, she was covered in half an hour lol :lol:
neeko_1 said:
sorry i just saw a post for chicken pox's and i've never had them :?

is that bad?? my mum put me round kids who had them, when i was younger but i never got them...

is anyone the same as me?

my friends never had them! i bet you're the carriers! :twisted:
I've had them and i have scar's too :oops: :lol:

I think its worse for adults as a family friend had it when he was 35 and he nearly died :(
it is better for children to get them the younger the better, some adults can be realy ill with it and some adults get a different form of chickenpox also know an shingles, its a rash down one side of the body and its so painful for ages afterwards as well.

i think if ur an adult n u never had them u cant get them but u can get shingles instead, which is worse. hope u manage to steer clear!
I've bloody had it 4 times, seems my immune system doesn't register them :roll:
I've had both chicken pox and shingles which are a whole lot worse!! I got them both when I was pretty young so won't be getting chicken pox again but shingles can always come back :(
I've had chicken pox three times, can only catch them once my arse!
Melanie said:
I've had chicken pox three times, can only catch them once my arse!
i completely miss read that as ive only had them on my arse :rotfl:

sorry... i really must wake up :sleep:
i have had them but my brother hasnt - my bros friends all had them a few months ago and my mum kept making my bro hang about with them all the time and that, didnt work though :roll: lol

also had mumps last year, Danny got mumps and was put in a confined room on his own but decided to come home and stay at my dads (dad has had mumps before) but i hadnt but didnt think i would catch it, but yes caught them and it was bloody horrible!!! :(
i had them when i was tiny, got lots of scars where i picked the blisters! I know people that havnt had them before. :hug:
trixipaws said:
i think if ur an adult n u never had them u cant get them but u can get shingles instead, which is worse. hope u manage to steer clear!

Im an adult (well most of the time :rotfl: ) and iv just had chicken pox so adults can get it it is more common in children though. Generally adults can get either. :hug:

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