IUD fitting. Help


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
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Hi I am having a coil fitted and need to know some things about it. I have had one in the past but it was inserted during an op so i didn't feel it. Do you need to be on your period to have it fitted. How much does it hurt. I had a c section so my cervix did not stretch. Should i take pain killers before.. Any advice would be great :D :D
I had a c-section April 06 and had a Mirena Coil fitted Jan this year. I had always been on the pill since I was 15 due to period problems, so thought it best to use something more effective as I stopped the pill 6 months before trying for a baby and conceived the first month of trying then miscarried at 6 weeks and fell pregnant again the next month and have a beautiful little boy!!! Super sperm or what!! so wasnt pushing my luck!
Anyway, it was just a little uncomfortable being fitted, abit like period pain and it lasted for a few hours later as it all settled down. They advise you to be on your period when having it fitted which I thought I would be embarrassed about but when you have a baby it really doesnt matter who looks at your bits during and after so I wasnt bothered that much to be honest. It took about 6-8 weeks to settle down, quite abit of spotting but nothing at all now, I get a slight discharge evey month or so but nothing at all like a period which is great!!! :cheer:
Took me a while to get used to it and I panicked when my periods seem to have stopped and even did a couple of pregnancy tests to be certain. :roll:
I had my mirena coil fitted five years ago but not during my period....and it was quite painful... I had period pain for a couple of weeks then it was ok... Take some painkillers beforehand... I never did so thats probably why.

I loved my coil.. It was the best protection I have ever had. Never had a period, never had a pregnancy scare... Sometimes, if we were having sex and my DH was a bit rough, it could be uncomfortable... But I never had any issues otherwise...

Also I got pregnant really quickly after it was removed so be warned if you decide it's not for you. Because the mirena coil only has hormone that affects the uterine lining and not the ovulation, you can still ovulate as normal. Although you don't notice. With normal IUD's your cycle will remain the same.

I put on about 4kg with the mirena coil (probably because I didn't have periods) but never had any issues with it.

Give it a go... if you don't suit it (because not every contraceptive suits every woman) you can change it.
oh dear the thought of one of those coil things being inserted makes my tuppence tweak :o
Squiglet said:
I had my mirena coil fitted five years ago but not during my period....and it was quite painful... I had period pain for a couple of weeks then it was ok... Take some painkillers beforehand... I never did so thats probably why.

I loved my coil.. It was the best protection I have ever had. Never had a period, never had a pregnancy scare... Sometimes, if we were having sex and my DH was a bit rough, it could be uncomfortable... But I never had any issues otherwise...

Also I got pregnant really quickly after it was removed so be warned if you decide it's not for you. Because the mirena coil only has hormone that affects the uterine lining and not the ovulation, you can still ovulate as normal. Although you don't notice. With normal IUD's your cycle will remain the same.

I put on about 4kg with the mirena coil (probably because I didn't have periods) but never had any issues with it.

Give it a go... if you don't suit it (because not every contraceptive suits every woman) you can change it.

I'm thinking of getting one of these as my periods are a complete bloody nightmare.....
I am going to have the old bog standard coil as i had it before and loved it. Thanks for your messages. Am going soon so i am now a bit more prepared. thanks :hug:
budge said:
oh dear the thought of one of those coil things being inserted makes my tuppence tweak :o

Sorry but :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Im thinking of having this after the birth....Did anyone else put weight on...

Hope it goes well for you hun :hug:
I had a normal coil inserted 3 years ago, it's not the coil being fitted that hurts but the 'locator' to find the depth of the womb so they know how deep to put it before they clip it on the cervix. Once in I thought it was great, if a little weird at first to have unprotected sex :shock:

However my hubby used to say he could feel the strands during sex sometimes, but that it wasnt a big deal. I recently had it removed to TTC number 2 and that didnt hurt at all!!

Good luck-it is the BEST form of contraception
My DH said he could feel the threads too, but after a few weeks they go much softer and he said he didn't notice too much.

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