Hi all,
just wanted to post to say that I've now officially stopped breastfeeding. I made it to 10 months which I'm proud of.
My mlik supply had dropped right down and I was doggedly expressing once or twice a day, but only getting 1 oz each time in total. I was ssaving up the milk in the freezer so that Ash could have 1 bottle of breastmilk every 6 days or so.
But on thursday I was washing my pump and broke the valve! So annoyed. I borrowed one from a friend but it was a bit different and I couldn't get a let down
So I haven't expressed since friday night. My boobs haven't blown up and I don't feel uncomfortable. Maybe my body was just ready to stop.
My DH was saying that I had done really well and that I didn't need to do the expressing. I was getting a bit obsessive about it. I think when you breastfeed for so long, you just get to stubborn and feel like you have to carry on, and if you stop you'll be a bad mother.
I do feel quite sad but I'm coming to terms with the fact that it was probably the right time and the valve breaking was just someone's way of telling me it was ok to stop. Otherwise I'd have prob still been expressing for ever!
I really sympathise with all the other mums who stopped. it's like losing a little piece of your identity.
So RIP milky boobies. You've done a great job and now you get a rest for a few years till the next time.
just wanted to post to say that I've now officially stopped breastfeeding. I made it to 10 months which I'm proud of.
My mlik supply had dropped right down and I was doggedly expressing once or twice a day, but only getting 1 oz each time in total. I was ssaving up the milk in the freezer so that Ash could have 1 bottle of breastmilk every 6 days or so.
But on thursday I was washing my pump and broke the valve! So annoyed. I borrowed one from a friend but it was a bit different and I couldn't get a let down
So I haven't expressed since friday night. My boobs haven't blown up and I don't feel uncomfortable. Maybe my body was just ready to stop.
My DH was saying that I had done really well and that I didn't need to do the expressing. I was getting a bit obsessive about it. I think when you breastfeed for so long, you just get to stubborn and feel like you have to carry on, and if you stop you'll be a bad mother.
I do feel quite sad but I'm coming to terms with the fact that it was probably the right time and the valve breaking was just someone's way of telling me it was ok to stop. Otherwise I'd have prob still been expressing for ever!
I really sympathise with all the other mums who stopped. it's like losing a little piece of your identity.
So RIP milky boobies. You've done a great job and now you get a rest for a few years till the next time.