It's my D-Day today!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2011
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So I've finally reached my official due date (my signature below is a week out) and apart from a few period type pains this morning absolutely nothing is happeneing! As expected of course! lol Just sitting around not really knowing what to do with myself...everything is ready, the house is clean. I could take the dogs for a walk in a while...just such a strange feeling today.
Aww hun, hope something soon happens for you. I am due sunday and dreading it coming and going and not feeling a twinge. Come on babies x
Congrats Hun! Hmmm I can imagine it is a bit of strange day if nothing is happening, we build ourselves up to this one date for nearly 9 months then...........nothing! Bit of an anti climax! Wonder where i will be on 20th May? It's funny that we don't really have a clue how and when it's going to happen. Hope things start for you soon x
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It's definitely a bit of an anti climax after having this one date in your mind for so long even though we know full well nothing may happen on that date. But at the same time you hope and pray your one of the 5% that come on their due dates lol
Just trying my best to get on with normality really, planning the usual for the weekend - shopping, walk etc hoping that if I distract myself as much as poss then the time will just creep up and it will just happen :)
Happy due day!

But yes it's a very strange feeling knowing that, even to make plans for tomorrow, we don't know if our baby will be here or not!!
Happy due date! Hope baby comes for you soon! Good idea to try and keep urself distracted
awww come on baby, time to get out x x x
Happy due date! I know how you feel. I'm 2 days late and it felt weid on Tuesday when no baby was here lol x
Happy due date!, Hope LO makes an appearance for you soon!
Happy due date hun, hope the baby makes an appearance soon xxx
2 days

I truly hope this little one comes soon or the sweep I'm booked for on Monday does something to help along as I've had enough now. I'm so so uncomfortable! Am still going about normal business, shopping, cleaning, walking dogs etc etc as well as doing all the things people recommend to help baby along. I know nature will do it's thing and she will come when she's ready so here's praying that's soon! :)
Can't wait to hold my little baby and see what she looks like! :) Praying for all us ladies who are due! ;) xx
I'm uncomfy and feeling really impatient now lol xxx hope it's soon for us x
Hope ur babies come soon girls, hopefully! Sending u lots of luck xxxx

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