its in the genes


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
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So I was wondering what about pregnancy is im the genes? Stretch marks are supposed to be. Does the size of the baby? I was a little baby of 6pounds and phil my other half was a nice 7. Also does whether your early or late depend on genes. Babies im my family are generally early phils are late and if was really late. . . What do you think? X
I dunno, Im hoping size is in the genes, I was 5lb10 and OH was 6lb8 :lol:

Im also hoping being overdue ISNT in the genes cos apparently everyone in my family has gone overdue :wall:
I dont think it is :(

I think its all down to what your own body does. Which is rubbish, cause my sister was 4 weeks early and I was only 1 day late. *crosses fingers and hopes for only 1 day late!*
I disagree about the stretch marks, my mum had none and im covered! I hope its not in the genes, I was nearly 9lb - Ouch! x
Agreed. I was 5 days early but my oh was 2 weeks late. Would not be impressed with that x
I was always led to believe that stretch marks, lateness, and size all travelled down the mothers side - like from mother to daughter kind of thing. Seems to wok like that in my family too x
Woo thats so awesome lol. Im gonna cling on to that like noones business x
im not sure about even the stretch mark one either coz my mum got lots and so far i have none :D
I don't think anythibhs genetic! Apart from non identical twins travelling down the mothers side! I was 6lb and 3 weeks early, my sister was on time ish and was 7lb, I went 10 days over with #1 and she was 9lb12 and #2 was bang on tine and 8lb3! My mum has no stretchies and I have a belly full! My 2nd labour actually beat her two super speedy ones but my first was 23 hours!
Hmmmmm, not sure! My Mum smoked throughout her pregnancy with me so I was only 6lb 8oz (my growth scan at 35 weeks said bubs was already 6lb 10oz...!) and I was a week early. Both of those factors could have been because of the fags? x
nope i didnt. the midwife measures your bump with a tape measure at each appointment. If she thinks its too big or small then they refer for a scan to get a more accurate measurement of babys size.
^^^ What Tiny said :) I was measuring 4cm ahead so was sent for a growth scan at 35 weeks
My MW also said if you have a long menstrual cycle, you are likely to go overdue?!?! I do and 2 of mine were 2 weeks late x

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