Its Goodbye from Jaidy and Zac....


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Hi all!!

Hope your all well and all your pregnancies/ttc are going ok and gorgeous babies are doing fine!

I havent been on here for ages.....and this is the reason im posting.

I just dont find the time to come on here anymore and keep up with all the posts :(

I have just moved house and have a lot going on and simply dont have enough hours in the day to do everything, let alone get on the PC and reply to all the posts as much as id like to! When I was pregnant I had all the time in the world but now ive had my fabulous little boy im so busy and girls, I LOVE it, I feel like I have a purpose and I want to dedicate as much time as I can to him and my lovely Richard.

So therefore I feel my work here is done. This forum has been FANTASTIC throughout my pregnancy and id like to thank everyone that has supported me and given me such brilliant advice.

I wish you all the very best with your babies and im sure I will be back again for baby number two in a few years time!!!!

Love you all

Best Wishes

Jaidy and Zachary xxxxxxxxxxxxx
thts a shame you have to leave completely jaidy :(
take care :wave:
Oh Jaidy, I'm sad to see you go but wish you all the best in the future, You've got my MSN addy if you ever wanna chat. Take care hun :hug: xXx
*BUMP* i agree with budge totaly there what a shame you have to leave us jaidy but please take care and dont forget us! :hug: -xxx-
take care of urself and ur gorgeous family hun,we will miss u!
hopefully see u in a few years for Zacs lil bro or sis!
:wave: :hug: :wave: :hug:
Aww Jaidy, sorry to see you go! Hopefully ill see you back here in a couple of years time when I am trying for baby number 2! :)

oh hun :cry: uv made me cry i dont want u to go ill miss u

try and come bck if u get 5 mins just to updates us on zach
ill miss u loads
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh jade dont go :(

make sure u keep coming back updatin us on you, rich and zac.

uve got my number so make sure u send lots of piccys!!! and ill send them of madam

take care hunny and u kno were i am xxx
oh jaidy no!

You dont have to completely go, just pop in every so often and say hey. It wuld be heartbreaking if you left youve been like the wallpaper here for so long, and now little Zac's here we would miss you even more. :hug: :hug: :hug:

Jaidy ....


*holds onto jaidy's ankle as she tries to leave*
please don't go hun?? why do you have to go :cry:
i love reading you're posts & seeing piccies of you're little man.
come back plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz !!!!
take care :hug: :hug: :hug:
You have a lot of friends on here, you can maybe just pop in now and again rather than just leave.

It's the best reason for leaving though. :)
Awww. I'm really sad that you're off Jaidy.
I am in the same position as you. I hardly get time to get on here any more but I couldn't leave! It's my second home!
Hope you'll reconsider but if not, then lots of love and good luck.
Aww Jade, i'm really sad to see you go hun. Got your msn addy so hopefully catch up on their some time, take care of yourself and your lovely family xxx :hug:
Awww hunnie, tis a shame you have to leave....I'm in a similar position and I only get to pop on now and then......don't leave just keep popping in and keep us updated about you and your little man....take care and hope everything goes well for wishes always... :hug: :hug:
ah hun we will all miss you on here good luck with everything and pop in if you can from time to time

:hug: :hug:

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