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Its been proved.. now im upset


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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Well for the last 24 hours bailey has done nothing but feed, rung nhs direct today and told them everything, and about his jaundice.. they wasnt intrested in what i had to say, but did say to try and compliment formula if he wasnt settling.. well ive done just that, after feeding from me for 25 mins off both sides.. and having a 50 ml off expressed breast milk via bottle, he still wouldnt settle, so i gave him 2oz's of sma gold, and

bang hes settled like no tommorow.. and has been for 2 hours..

I really feel like ive failed in breast feeding, im not going to give up though but if he needs suppliment milk then he needs it.. i will still feed him myself and give him a top up..

Just feel like crying now :cry:
Don't be upset honey :hug:

I failed at breast feeding, they told me that Tom was going to be put on a glucose drip because he wasn;t getting enough from me. I was upset too. Now he is on formula and eating for England!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
You haven't failed :hug:

I feel awful now as I answered no to your poll and made it look awful as I am the only one to have voted :doh:

I kept up breastfeeding until I couldn't take it anymore (couldn't express (well you know about that already :lol: )
So gave up :(

If you have to suppliment then you do.
If I were you, I would continue to feed him myself as well- best of both worlds hun.

You are a great mum, remember that :hug:
please dont feel liek you have failed because you havent i couldnt keep up with the demand when i was expressing (emma was too small to be BF) so the nurses put her on formula and she is now happy and healthy, so long as your baby is happy you shouldnt feel bad about formula feeding at least you know he is getting enough :hug: :hug: :hug:
don't be so silly! you are not a bad mum! :hug: How are you feeling today?

alices first drink was from me... her 2nd was forumla (she was acting like a preme, so they wanted fluids in her). we ended up half of me and half of formula (i had it in my head expressing would 'drain' me leaving noting for alice). i ended up switching to forumla because i was drying up.

is there nothing else you can do to build up your supply? are you eating and drinking loads? the pro BF mums may have some more advise.

i personally don't like saying 'breast is best' - only because 'Happy-mummy-and-baby is best' is a much better :wink: :D

give bailey a hug from me and alice. :hug:
I do feel better today thanks sam..

I gave him a bottle 2 hours before i made this thread last night and oh my god, he was such a happy baby when he woke up, so contenteded (sp) he even smiled at me but he wasnt screaming or throwing his arms around, so i just carryed on palying with him, after 5 hours after i gave him his bottle i tried to feed him off the breast, but he just wasnt intrested, so he had a bath and went to bed.. he didnt wake up again till 3am, i managed some sleep, which was great i feel so much more refreshed than i have done in 3 weeks.. he fed off me at 3 then again at 6 and again at 9am this morning, and now hes happily sleeping again.. i think he was so hungary he just needed that 1 top up, my milk supply seems to have become more, i made sure i ate a proper meal and all day yesterday i must have drunk for england.. i think that was the problem as well, i wasnt eating drinking as i should, but after taking advice from budge i have done.. now when he feeds off me and hes finished it still spurts out lmao in his face..

I have decided to breast feed him, and if like yesterday after feeding off both sides still wants more then i will top him up with a couple of oz's of formula.. im hoping it wont be a regular thing..

i spoke to the docter last night after nhs direct was so rude to me and he said putting him on formula could have a adverse affect on his bowels, but this morning hes gone 3 times and it was all bitty, compared to his other poohs, so i think my boy can handle 1 top up a day if needs be..

Im bck to being a happy mummy again :cheer:
oh hun you have failed
you have give it ago and that is the best you can do
i hate the fact that if you cant or dont breast feed you are seen as failing as a mum

you have to do what is best for bailey :)
if he needs a top up, he needs a top up
the health of your little boy is all that matters

hope you feel better soon

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
sunshinestars said:
Well for the last 24 hours bailey has done nothing but feed, rung nhs direct today and told them everything, and about his jaundice.. they wasnt intrested in what i had to say, but did say to try and compliment formula if he wasnt settling.. well ive done just that, after feeding from me for 25 mins off both sides.. and having a 50 ml off expressed breast milk via bottle, he still wouldnt settle, so i gave him 2oz's of sma gold, and

bang hes settled like no tommorow.. and has been for 2 hours..

I really feel like ive failed in breast feeding, im not going to give up though but if he needs suppliment milk then he needs it.. i will still feed him myself and give him a top up..

Just feel like crying now :cry:

hi SSS. I think you hve done well. he was a small baby and i think they take more feeding than a bigger one. i know my two bigger babies were alot better feeders than my two 7 pounders.
However i reckon from what you have said in previous posts thats you have not rested enough . I remeber you saying you had gone bingo etc and you had already lost your preggo weight. And hes not a month old yet :shock:
IMO if you want to succeed in BF you have to be prepared to give up your life al ittle and be prepared to feed feed feed on demand which takes time, patience and selflessness. Its hard and i don't want to offend you or anyone with saying that but thats how i see it. :)

Don't beat yourself up about how things have panned out tho SSS - you had a vile pregnancy and traumatic birth etc.
Just enjoy bailey now and don't look back chick! :hug:

in answer t your question i have never supplemented feeding untill baby is 6 month + of age.
Rachael had her first formula feed the other nihght when i went out for the first time since having her.
aww budge that was nice of you to chat to me like that, its really made me see sense from what you have said over the last few days.. i am taking things easy now i promise.. :hug:
sunshinestars said:
aww budge that was nice of you to chat to me like that, its really made me see sense from what you have said over the last few days.. i am taking things easy now i promise.. :hug:

yeah you need to - for your sake and baileys :hug: :hug:
is the little darling content now
Youve done brilliantly :cheer: :hug:

Ive never supplemented, dont get me wrong in the early weeks I tried lol :lol: , when I didnt know anything about breastfeeding and I had no support I would of done anything for a rest! but she wouldnt take it.

You will feel like hes hanging off your nipple all day, but it will subside, its just so intense to begin with I can fully sympathise with you, its bloomin hard!

Youve done so well, if you think it would be best to give top up's thats fine hunny, but as Budge said to be succesfull you need to keep putting him on :hug:

Goodluck and welldone :cheer: :hug:
And I want to BF, i think im nuts after reading this thread :rotfl:

Before you jump on me im kidding!!!

I think you have done really well SSS and I guess with anything it take practise and patiance.
Well he still hasnt had another bottle as yet, hes been feeding quite happily from me.. which im happy about.. he is still feeding frequently, but so far hasnt needed a top up, im just about to express as well cos i feel really full and its causing some discomfort now, maybe im producing enough for what he needs and more.. i hope so..

another question though girls.. i dont have a cool bag! so what do i do when im on the train and at the meet next month.. I dont think i will be comforatble in breastfeeding whilst im out, especially on the train, its a 3 hour journey thats all and no doubt he will want feeding so want to express enough to take with me, what do i do, about it as it needs to be kept in a fridge.. is anyone else gonna be feeding whilst they there..
:rotfl: I'm sure Budge will whip hers out :rotfl:

I woud if I was coming, hun when youve done it a few times you ge over it, I promice you.

To be honest I was petrified before, but now I couldnt give two hoots :D
i wanted to bf but i was in so much pain and was very uncomfortable i couldnt get started so the mv gave willow a bottle and that is what i have done since she was born.
Glad it has improved. Although I voted No. It was a very close call in the first few weeks. One day she was feeding so much I had literally nothing left. She finally fell asleep, I went to bed at about 7:30 - 8pm, and hubby went out and bought a bit of formula. Thankfully she then slept for 4 hrs, and I was able to feed her again. I still have those 2 cartons of formula untouched. That day she had been feeding every hour or 2 and it was so draining. Well done and good luck.

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